Mar 01, 2006 20:07
Hi there, to everyone who will read this.
(1 person probably, me included)
Anyway, I am not the type to actively keep a journal, so I guess this will be a nice place to upload my story-thingies.
I'll switch between English and Dutch with my stories, though I do expect Dutch people to be able to read my English stories >=P
Nah, the thing is, I want my stories to be accessible (sp?) to everyone, but sometimes I try to put in a poetic quality in a Dutch story, which makes that the 'original'.
After that I'll probably translate that in English, but I can't promise you that it will be "that good". ()
And English stories won't be translated into Dutch ones, sorry.
I think I'll be posting one-shots and ficlets mostly, but I am planning on uploading my "Harry Potter en de Lippenstift van Anam" (Harry Potter and the Lipstick of Anam) here, I won't translate that one xD It's too long! (*coughonlythreechaptersnowcough*)
Yeh, my main fandom is Harry Potter now... I get obsessed with a new fandom every now and then ^^
Well, I hope you'll look forward to my stories (first three chapters of HP&dLvA and a one-shot about Fred and George anyway), and even if no one reads this, I like to have a place to upload anyway.
If only I could find out how to work LJ exactly...
random: eljay