so i read this shit in the paper and i got sooooooo freaking mad okay its in spanish so if ya care ill comment in spanglish haha
Fundayacucho recibirá a mil jóvenes en 2006 y 2007
Becarán con Bs 600 mil a estudiantes bolivianos
Como parte de la política de cooperación que ha emprendido el Gobierno Nacional con el del presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, mil jóvenes de esa nación serán becados por la Fundación Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho (Fundayacucho), para cursar estudios en instituciones de educación superior del país.
El presidente del organismo, Jorge Arreaza, adelantó que los futuros estudiantes vendrán al país entre 2006 y 2007. Este año se espera que arriben unas 450 personas, y el venidero unas 550 más.
Aunque no explicó cuáles serían las especializaciones, el funcionario subrayó que se formarán especialmente en carreras técnicas, reseñó la agencia de noticias ABN.
Los estudiantes del altiplano recibirán una ayuda mensual de 600 mil bolívares, es decir, 600 millones de bolívares sería la totalidad de la partida, para sufragar la asistencia a estas personas. Arreaza acotó que serían recursos extraordinarios, pues es un proyecto que no está contemplado en el presupuesto ordinario de Fundayacucho.
"Es nuestro deber solidario darle la mano a Bolivia cuando comienza a impulsar un proceso de transformación, para que no se enfrente a las mismas dificultades que nosotros debimos superar", destacó.
El funcionario explicó que desde que asumió la presidencia del organismo, en noviembre de 2005, se ha reunido con embajadores de varios países de Suramérica y del Caribe como Argentina, Brasil, México, Colombia, Uruguay, Haití y Guyana, para establecer acuerdos de intercambio de estudiantes.
Mencionó el caso de Uruguay, país que acumula una amplia experiencia en investigación dentro del área informática, por lo que abrió las puertas a los venezolanos que deseen especializarse en esta disciplina, a cambio de que sus ciudadanos reciban formación en el sector energético.
Agregó que contemplan financiar estudios de haitianos y guyaneses que requieran el apoyo venezolano en materia de educación superior.
La asistencia a estos estudiantes se complementa con el envío, por parte del Ministerio de Educación y Deportes (MED), de 18 alfabetizadores que ayudarán en Bolivia a educar a las personas.
La idea es aplicar en la nación andina la Misión Robinson, gracias a la cual, según cifras del Ejecutivo, fue erradicado el analfabetismo en todo el territorio venezolano. comment:
ok the thing is that president Chavez has grown a "true friendship" with Evo Morales, Bolivia's president, so that "friendship" they have as all the other shit that chavez pacts with some other countries to gain popularity at an international level... (the popularity that he stupidly loses when insulting president Bush, although Bush can be an ass, dude the man is the president of the biggest country of the f-ing world so if he has something to say to him why doesnt he do that in some other way ? anyways... thats not what i wanted to bitch about....)
the thing is, Chavez is giving our money to other countries that yea they nead it, BUT WE DO NEED IT TOO and its ours you know, and this subject in particular made me have a drastic reaction, why? cuz it does go into my shit directly? yes lol ok so it is not true that all people here can get into college if they wanted to, it is not true that someone that is born in a barrio (which is more or less 60% of caracas population) can get through highschool or even elementary school in spite of all his damn missions (which are this "plan of scholarships" sort of, to give money to ppl to get educated... anyways that i can talk about if ya care...) so the man is giving 600millions of bolivars (ven currency =279,850.746 USD) to bolivia in order to increase their % of educated people, bringing them to our country and giving them a technical education and college education in certain areas through a foundation that in old good times used to be for venezuelans to get scholarships to go study outside the country and come back with a degree on the areas that the country wouldnt educate as well, or scholarships given to people (venezuelan ppl) who had very good grades and they simply deserved it! ughhhhhhhhhh makes me so mad, cuz yea i break my ass off studying and i get shit lol yes im jealous but aint i in my right to be??? lol
so the "man" is giving the money we do need away, and i aint against bolivians, nor cubans nor any other people from those countries; i am agaisnt the fact that there is people starving here, people who die cuz they cant pay for health care, people who live in a country and votes for a president when they cant even read the news in the paper, people who gets manipulated by a charismatic leader who is a fucking ignorant and whos taking our country right to hell...
but then again, how long will this last? is what all thinking venezuelan wonder... and yea i say yes it will go down in not so long and so i hope too, cuz all the shit he's doing is just worth to increase the frustration feelings that venezuelan have when they need something but they can get it (relative deprivation) while people who is with and in a fine position in the gov. cannot fit any more money in their pockets, and someothers that arent even venezuelans get the stuff taht we cant get!
so... how will this work? there will be a time when people will explode and will react against the regime, yes ... when petro-dollars keep coming oh we're all fine and we even have money to give to other countries, we can even call president Bush a "burro", we can spit our saliva up high haha but as we have a saying here "al que escupe pa' arriba se le devuelve la saliva a la cara" (something like things will turn against yourself once youve done them proudly), and that time our pandora box will be open and things will finally be out of his nasty hands.
lets remember... historically ... when france was in its best moment with "prosperity and wellness" is when explodes the french revolution... what is going to happen in my country and when? we dont know, will it be another revolution? hope not, i hope it will b the waking up of a society who has been partially asleep... smashed and stepped on by a "red bolivarian boot" and what will happen to them? i hope ... welll haha thats another of my venting entries i will b posting lol...
ok so i must go read some stuff for uni and sorry i hadnt posted in ages and now i just come back bitching about politics... anywho.. i guess jonny will like this somehow lol and will come to me with questions and comments so i hope lol
love you all