Oct 15, 2005 07:31
yesterday morning i was going to uni so dad dropped me off at a near subway station, it was raining and i hadnt slept much the night b4 cuz i had to write a paper for my politics class :s so i was kind of stressed and when i got out of the car i felt dizzy... i knew i was having tension problems but i had to get to uni, so i just kept walking till i stepped on the escalators to go down the station and i felt dizzy, i couldnt hold on to it cuz the steps were wet and i freaking fell rite there on my butt and back so yea i got up as i could and the subway guards didnt want to let me go to uni but i said i was ok so i went and turned in my paper then i called mom and my parents went to get me to take me to the hospital ughh it was awful i spent all day there till like 7 :/ and yea now i have a broken coccyx :'( a cold and i feel like crap cuz i cant go nowhere NO JODA.... :/