because i genderswap everyone

Aug 09, 2010 21:37

So I am watching and loving BBC's Sherlock, but the little angry feminist in me can never let me enjoy anything as it is. So I present you all this question:

Why hasn't there been a female Sherlock Holmes?

(If my google skills are lacking, let me know, but I have yet to find *any* adaptation in which Holmes and Watson are women)

(ok there was this but it doesn't 100% count)

Any thoughts? Is this just a Hollywood/UK "no one watching things with women" thing? Has anyone even tried? Or am I the first one to think that a bitchy Sherlock  Sherlocka (Sherlocketta?) [because as bendtothesun pointed out, Sherlock would mae a kickass female name] Holmes and a kick-ass home from the war Joan Watson would be amazing?

Or, am I completely nuts here, and this is this an awful idea?

ranty mcranty pants, feminism, fandom: sherlock holmes

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