Out from under the rock...Thoughts on Alias

Jan 25, 2005 19:01

*gently lays Jr down for a nap and sneaks over to the computer*

So this is what StupidTired (TM) feels like... ;) I also fully understand why sleep deprivation is a form of torture...basically I'm sleeping when he is, but sleeping in 2 hour stints is really hard. I wake up when he cries and it feels like someone hit me in the head with a blunt object or something.

But enough complaining! Jr and I are doing well, getting to know each other and all that. He's learned to cry a little more, and I can definitely say he's his father's son...practicing to be an artilleryman that's for sure. Yesterday I got introduced to Projectile Pooh (TM). His aim was really good...he even managed to get it on the curtains that the Hubby (!) sewed for him. The hubby can't wait until he can teach his son to spell his name with pee in the snow. (*insert me shaking my head here* Definitely a guy thing.)

But anyways, I have managed to actually watch all the Alias eps so far! I'm enjoying the premise a lot, but being StupidTired (TM) means that I have a few questions...

1. Um...ok. I've tried to work this out in my head, but something's just not making sense. Exactly when was Jack supposed to have killed Irina?

2. Sark! Where's Sark? I miss him. Does anyone know what ep he's making an appearance? (No spoilers please, I just want to know how many more eps I have to count down to). I mean, I know he's coming back, but...what's he going to do with no Rambaldi? Speaking of which, are they never going to talk of Rambaldi again? I mean he doesn't have to be in every ep, but it'd be nice if they actually concluded a story line now and then.

3. nova88, I so thought of you when Jack and Vaughn had their water cooler moment in the last ep. When Vaughn said "I can't sleep at night..." I was squeeing with thoughts of Amsterdam. Will we be getting some more fic soon? *puppy dog eyes*

4. I heard a rumour that autobadgirl was writing Priest!Porn. Please say it is so! Please??? I also briefly poked around my flist and saw thoughts of Jack/Nadia. That's so delicious! There's definitely some underlying tension there. And Naked!Jack is much more sexy than thoughts of Naked!Sloane. Damn, I'm missing all the fun around here. You all be sure to drop me a link if you post some fic, you hear? I'd hate to miss anything.

5. Speaking of Sloane...I see that he's back to his Inappropriate Touching. *shudders*

6. I'm also trying to figure out why I'm not getting the good vibes from Weiss and Nadia being on the APO team. It just seemed to easy. I think it would have been much more fun if Weiss was still with the regular CIA. I was so waiting for a scene with Weiss and Sark at the end of Ep 1/2, with Weiss being all alone and so he goes to have breakfast with Sark. That would have been a hoot.

7. Ok, back to my questions...I'm kinda confused on how Jack managed to convince Nadia that the bad guy in Ep 3 (?) killed Irina. It seemed kinda contrived and out of the blue. Did he have any ties to Irina? Why did he supposedly kill her? So confused...

8. And on a completely different note...how many ounces are in a pound? We're supposedly metric around here, and yet they keep giving me Jr's weight in pounds and ounces. (He was up to 8 pounds, 12 ounces on Thursday!)

Anyways, I think that's it for now. No...I know I have more questions, I just can't remember them all now. I'm still trying to respond to all the comments I got from my picture post, but I think it will be a while. In the mean time, lots of hugs to you all. I miss you all terribly.
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