Flowers in the Attic

Oct 27, 2004 12:04

First off, lots of hugs to all of you. You guys are really wonderful.

So I was channel surfing last night, and I happened to notice that they were showing Flowers in the Attic movie on tv. So I was thinking to myself, "Oh really? I would have thought that the whole brother/sister incest thing would have offended most people.. at least people that didn't read the book". So needless to say, simply out of morbid curiosity, I watched the movie.

I should have known that it was going to be bad when the opening scene had bad 80's fashion.

I should have known that it was going to be horrible when I realized that my cat has more facial expressions than the woman playing the Grandmother.

And yet, still I watched. I remember actually liking the book (mind you, I read it 15 years ago) and the angst and yes, even the Chris/Cathy thing just stuck with me. Maybe it was my naive innocence but I just found the story so heartbreaking and angsty. Heck, I even read almost the entire series (again 15 years ago) and it just struck me how doomed to unhappiness they were. (In my defense, I then tried to read other books by VC Andrews and I quickly caught on that they were the same story, but with just different names.)

But the movie left all of that out! Sure, they set it up, I saw the hugs and how they always grabbed each other for support, but really there were no other indicators that Chris and Cathy ever got involved. If I hadn't read the book, then I probably never would have picked up on the subtle gestures.

Yes, I know most of the population would have shot the producers of the movie for showing incest...but...but...then why make a movie where that's a major component and then leave that component out? That's part of the story! Not to mention the fact that anyone who would sit through that garbage that I watched last night, would have had to have read the book and be a really BIG fan, so they would already know the story.

Is it possible that they just left that out for the tv airing?

Boggles my mind. Isn't it kinda like filming Harry Potter and leaving out the whole magic thing so as not to offend the sensibilities of the religious groups that think witchcraft is the devil's work?

Anyways, now I have an almost desire to reread the book. I'm curious if the kids end up killing their mother at the end, like the movie depicted. I don't think they did, but my memory is kinda fuzzy. Anyone else happen to remember?

Sigh. I wish these trips down memory lane weren't always so disappointing. I was watching Sesame Street a few years ago and apparently people can now see Snuffleupagus. This is my childhood TV people are messing with. Don't they understand?
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