Random Links

Nov 04, 2011 09:18

I know. I suck as an LJ friend. Let's just ignore that enjoy this random link. :)

1. Did you know you could buy Uranium from Amazon? The comments are too funny.
1b. Why can't I html anymore *sob*. Link fixed.

2. Also a funny story to share. Jr was doing his homework the other day and he had to count by 2's, 5's, 10's etc. Well the last question was to count by 25's. So I pull out his chart and explain how he can use it to help him and he stops me.

Jr: Mommy, I know how to count by 25's.
Me: Really?
Jr: Yes, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275...etc
Me: (surprised). Wow, that's really good. How did you learn that? From counting quarter on your allowance?
Jr: (looking at me like I'm an idiot) No, mommy. In Plants vs Zombies, the sunflowers give you 25 suns....
Me: You play way too many video games.

3. Anyone watching Once Upon a Time? I love it!

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