Dear Yuletide Santa

Nov 25, 2010 20:28

Better late than never?

Dear Yuletide Santa,

First off, thank you so much for doing this. I guarantee you I will love whatever you create for me. I greatly appreciate what you've signed up to do. I'm so sorry that I'm late posting this, I hope my original requests were somewhat helpful.

In general, I love pretty much anything. Slash, femslash, het. Gen is okay too, but I have to admit, relationships are what always drive me to fanfic. Any rating is good. I love smutty goodness, but if you're not inclined, any rating is good as well. Basically, I'd love something about relationships, angst and trouble times are good, as long as there is a happy ending. (I also happen to be a total sucker for first-time fics--First kiss, first time having sex...) I love the unsureness and complications of people not knowing where they stand with other people and then the awesome realization that they can actually have them thrills me. (I'm a total romantic).

Lost Girl

If you're writing Lost Girl, I have a total soft spot for Dyson. While Bo gets to be free with who she loves and doesn't love, he doesn't get the same choice--at least, not without a fight.I love the idea of him fighting for her. There's so much opportunity for delicious plot in this fandom. I love all the characters, so if you're inclined, use whoever you'd like.

Rookie Blue

The relationship for me in this fandom is Andy and Sam. At the end of S1 we saw her go off with Luke, but I'm not convinced Luke isn't going to use her and leave her. I'd like to see some kind of resolution between Sam and Andy, the UST between them is crazy! I also love Gail. Just putting that out there. :)

The Gates
I love Nick. The nice thing about Nick and Dylon is that they're already friends. Obviously, they have other the secrets they each have. I think part of them is lonely as well and I like the idea of them finding some kind of solace with each other.


This fandom was my first love. I was always a big Keith/Allura shipper. I'd love something plotty that makes them find their way to each other. Something the show never gave us. And if nanny get's a bad case of purple spots, that's okay too. :) I would love you forever if you could do a first time fic for this couple.

I hope these random thoughts are even the tiniest bit helpful and again, thanks so much for doing this!! You're the best.

yuletide letter

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