Dear Yuletide Santa

Nov 14, 2009 20:54

Dear Yuletide writer,

Yay!!! I'm so excited to be a part of Yuletide again this year. I'm thrilled you're writing for me; I'm very easy going and will be thrilled with whatever I get.

But...since some people like more specifics than "Yay!! I like anything!!!" I will try and provide some, but please, if my preferences don't rock your boat, just go with what you're planning. Really :D I'm very easy.

So in general these are a few of my favorite things:

-I love angst. Heart wrenching, gut hurting angst but it needs to have a happy ending. I'm all about the happy ending. :)

-I also happen to love first-time fics. The tension, the possible disappointment--I love it. I love to see how the characters overcome the hurdles and actually get together.

-Although, I equally love some good UST as well.

-I like Slash, het, femslash, gen. Really. Me? Really easy.

-If you do go toward a shippy-kind of fic, I'm happy with a fade to black if writing smut makes you want to hide under your bed, or happy with a little bit of kink if you like.

Fandom specifics:

1. Generation Kill - I'm such a Nate/Brad kinda girl, it's not even funny. Nate loosing his belief in the whole system just crushes me. There are so many obstacles getting in the way of the two of them hooking up, either while they're deployed or back home so I always love to see how it plays out. AUs are cool too though. And if you want to throw Ray in (or any other character) I'd be thrilled. I love them all.

2. Defying Gravity - I really do love Zoey and Maddux--I want so badly a resolution for them...Maddux getting a chance to say something to Zoey, now that he knows about the baby. I also love Evram and Nadia too, and would love a back story on them.

3. Voltron - *sigh* My first fandom. I'll be honest, I was shipping Keith/Allura before I even knew what shipping was. A fic where they hook up together would make me melt into a huge puddle of goo.

So I hope these help. If not, please just ignore everything I said and go with what you want because I will love it. Surprises are awesome and make me discover new things and that itself, is a wonderful thing. I can't wait to read it already and am bouncing with excitement!

yuletide letter

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