Dear Yuletide Santa

Nov 18, 2008 18:08

Dear Yuletide Santa,

Sorry for getting this up late. That's me. With a three year old and a 3 month old in the house, time takes on a whole new meaning.

First off, I want to say thank you so much for signing up! I'm so excited about this, it's the first time I've participated in yuletide, so I hope my prompts were helpful. If my details and/or this letter are helpful great, otherwise feel free to go where your muse takes you! I'm really pretty easy.

My prompts were:

1. Generation Kill (Brad/Nate): I'd love a Brad/Nate first time fic. Other characters are more than welcome to be in it, I'd just like the story to be mainly about Brad and/or Nate. If slash isn't your cup of tea, I'm also ok with a Brad, Nate friendship story. My favorite time setting would be during the series, but I'm also fine with pre or post series.

2. Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged (Dagny Taggart/Francisco dAnconia/Hank Rearden/John Galt): The pairing I'd love the most is Francisco/Hank, followed by Francisco/John but really any pairing or any kind of story involving these four characters would make my day.

3. Moonlight (Beth Turner/Josef Kostan/Mick St. James): I'd love a story about Josef, especially Josef/Mick, but I'd also be happy with Josef/Beth. If those are too hard, Mick/Beth would also be fine. (I'm pretty easy).

4. Voltron (Allura/Keith/Lance/Sven): Keith/Allura were my first ship ever and I would love a romatic fic between them. My second choice, I'd love a team-fic or slash (Keith/Lance) but no Allura/Lotar please.

Things I like:
Generally, I love stories with an emotional connection in them. PWPs are cool as long as they address some issue between the characters. Smut, slash, kink, friendship, I love pretty much anything as long as it fits the story. I love stories where the characters have to deal with their own personal monsters and come out better and stronger in the end. Usually, my favorite moment in a story is when a character realizes the person they're attracted to is actually attracted to them as well. UST is also perfectly fine. In fact, sometimes it's perfect.

Thing I don't like:
1. Main character death. I'm a sucker for a happy ending, but I can do not-so happy, as long as it's not that so not-so-happy. *rereads* I hope that makes sense.
2. Character bashing
3. Fluff is ok in small doses, but not if it ignores all the issues the characters have.

Anyways, I hope that helps! If not, as I said before, disregard and just go where you muse takes you. I will honestly be thrilled with a fic from any of these fandoms. Thank you so much

yuletide letter

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