Maybe some day Doctor Who will give me back my brain enough to post my own thoughts on the last few eps. All in all though; there were parts that were lovely, parts that were meh and parts that broke my heart. I really do continue to love this show.
Doctor Who Cast on The Weakest Link - (YouTube) OMFG how did I miss this before. This is hilarious. K-9 gives David so much guilt for voting him off.
Fic Recs:
Need (Illegitimate) by
wired_lizard - Torchwood. Gwen with Rys, Ianto, Owen. A look into what happens to Gwen after Jack disappears. (NC17) - So unbelievably hot.
ForwardRewind by
anythingbutgrey - Doctor and Martha stuck in 1969 (PG) - Very sweet. And the ending just perfect. to work for me!