Apr 14, 2009 23:59
i think i post more when im stuck in the middle of no where than when im at home
so i straited my bangs on monday, oh i forgot to mention i got my hair cut agian, cuz the curve that happens when i put it behind my ear was driving me insain....as time went by i had a bit of hair that kept gravitaing twards the middle of my face, i caught a glimce of it as some point and it occured to me that with it straightend it kind of looked like ishidas (from bleach) hair.....i like him....maybe i should cosplay him.....why does he wear so much white???
but it occured to me, by the time con season comes around for me, ie the few i can afford to go to....wait i already went to one..., my hair will likey be at rukia length when straighted.....and yeah i saw that when i was testing my hair for styles for the wai-loli i did some time ago..........
one of these days ill acutally invest in some wigs (besides my piyoko one), but for now they just be toooooo costly for my budget....pooo
and yes i took pics (im working on a dial up here so they wont go up till later) and yes it seems i have a bit more than my normal obsession with my hair lately