For those of you who may not know, on Tuesday, December 20th, some asshole in a black Lexus ran me off I-95. This was around 5:30pm. I was doing around 70mph at the time. I was in the left lane and he wanted in, so he forced himself into my lane (w/o so much as signalling). I tapped my brakes hoping that that would be enough but, for some unknown reason, he tapped his as well. I thought I was going to hit him so I swerved right, then tried to straighten out. I over compensated and lost control. After spinning around my car ended up sliding practically backwards intro a tree line. When I finally came to a stop my head snapped to the left and smashed out my driver side window. Almost losing consciousness, I searched for my cell phone while going over a list of what I had to do, in my head. "Turn off the engine, get out of the car as quickly as possible, find my cell phone, call 911." I eventually found my cell phone and had to crawl out the passanger side (after kicking open the door which was stuck by some branches). Four ppl had stopped to make sure I was ok. I was in such shock that I couldn't remember the number for 911 (I was trying to remember the quick way of calling that my cell phone was supposed to have). Afterward Police and Fire showed up, made sure I was ok (I refused treatment) and took my statement. Remember those four ppl who stopped? Turned out the same guy cut one of them off as well, and they saw what happened. Sadly no one got a plate number and, of course, the asshole never stopped. I ended up asking John to take me to the hospital b/c I was starting to feel a sick to my stomache, had a bit of a headache, I could feel some pressure behind my left eye and my back and neck were hurting. They did a CT scan of my head and a bunch of x-rays of my back. Turns out that I'm fine. Hell, I barely have any marks (looking at me you wouldn't guess that I was in a 70mph car accident).
My car was still drivable (I was able to drive it home after the towtruck pulled me out and replaced my tire). I drove it (yesturday) to where my insurance company wanted it for inspection and picked up a rental car (a Pontiac Vibe) and was told that they'd have an estimate for my by Thursday (today). I talked to my insurance rep who told me that normally they'd only cover 80% of my medical bills (which could be as high as $2500 if not higher). But, b/c the police report has the fact that the driver left the scene and is listed as an "Unknown Driver" I can benifit from my insurance company's Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage. That means not only do I not have to pay a dime in medical, but I might get anywhere from $500 - $750 cash (my rep is going to try to get me more due to my current situation).
Today, I've been trying to get ahold of my title. I payed my car off in June but, b/c I bought the car in NY and have moved since, the title was never released to me. Sadly, I didn't think much of it at the time (only today finding out why I never got the title), which means it could be weeks before I get my title. Talking to my rep he told me that, deperessingly, my car was totalled. After all is said and done, I should get around $4000 for my car (including the extra money from the Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage). So, now, I've got to find another car. It's really depressing that my car is no more due to some asshole on 95.
PS: My head still hurts (though that could be more compounded by the fact that my beloved car is no more) and I still have minor neck and back pain.