(no subject)

Aug 28, 2009 09:09

I've heard tales of this place. It's much bigger than I previously anticipated, but I'm glad to see it so lively and thriving with people. <3 They seem to be in great health... but of course, I always worry for those who are not, and I am sure there are those in worse states here. This is partially why I have come here, for I wish to be a nurse if I am permitted.

Though... I'm afraid I cannot do this in my state right now. Would anyone care to tell me how to become one with the humans, please? I am but a... simple Pokemon, so to speak. I would gratefully appreciate it and it may just come back to help you one day if I am to be a healing nurse in this city. I would definitely heal any wounds of body and mind if you so wish for me to. ♥ It is why I'm here.

You may call me... Cecilia, Cecilia Sophronia. It is a pleasure to meet you all, citizens of the city. <333


Ah... are you doing alright? I do hope you are settling into the city. I still need a little bit of time to get used to it, due to the amount of humans around and about. As long as I can stay hidden until I can become a 'human', though, I believe I will be fine. <3

arrival, o hello darkrai

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