May 26, 2007 15:03
Nothing really special has happened recently..oh wait...I SAW POTC:AWE! FUCK YEAH!
In General:
+It felt really long...but I luffed it. (maybe my favorite of all three)
+Norrington= dead...XD
+I accually liked Liz, but just at the beginning in Singapore
+There was an army of Jacks...let the fangirls squee!
+Left behind again and Gibbs gets the girls XD
+Jack + Fan = OTP
+I liked his parents (I don't even think Keith needed make-up)
+...Whatever, nothing really special
+Hated the bit with him and Liz on the beach *vomits*
+Pirate King FTW
+She looks DAMN good after 10 years and a kid
+She had a lot of weapons, did she not?
Pintel and Ragetti <3 (Offically my 2 fav characters):
+FINALLY, after two movies they say their names
+I'm shipping two guys XD (They luffs each other)
+Looking up Liz's skirt
+OMG...Rags is a romantic!? I loved how he yelled at Barbossa for not saying it right Awwww!
+"I wonder what would happen if we dropped cannonballs on them" The world may never know
+I want him to do my wedding
+Pure awesome
Davvy Jones:
+Saw what he used to look like!
+...In a bucket XDDDDD
+He killed a man with his face! OMG!
The end...or is it? ( and I are going to see it together!)
Afterwards, Keri came over and we went swimming, had cake and beef-ca-bobs (or whatever) watched V for Vendetta (Weee!) Then fell asleep really quickly...I'm tired. She left but ALL of her stuff is still here so she's coming back tomorrow.