Nov 01, 2004 07:37
Wow I'm seeing political messages in memes now o.o
"On November 2, 2004, citizens of the United States of America will be electing a president. When you or your family votes, ask yourself this:
Are you better off than you were four years ago?
Have you, your friends, or your family members lost their jobs under Bush?
Do you have all of the healthcare you need to keep your family healthy?
Are there really fewer terrorists now - or is there more hatred than ever coming from Iraq and the rest of the Middle East?
There are more and more insurgents, kidnappings, and terrorist actions in Iraq each day. Do you really believe that more of the same is going to stop that?
Do you believe the United States of America can be economically strong when the president refuses to work with other countries in the United Nations?
If you want to make the world a better place, please elect a president who wants to improve the economy and work with other countries to bring peace and security. On November 2nd, make a real difference."