(no subject)

Sep 22, 1970 07:13

He was looking! I have now turned my back on Stalker Joshua so that I may continue writing. Well...let's see. Here's a list of all of the ridiculous, terrible things that are currently on my mind because they've been following me around like bad luck.

Number One: Father losing his job, and all of the financial crud that goes with that whole thing.

Number Two: English class, because I honestly don't know how in the world anyone can understand this crazy language. How the English spoke it is beyond me...

Number Three: Joshua. Henceforth also to be called Stalker Boy, That Darn Creep, or Another Reason Why English Class Sucks. (And quite possibly the oddest thing that has ever happened to me in my life. This one is on the list for sheer creepiness, and for the fact that it's something that's really never happened to me before. Then again...I think that I could definitely live without having had an insane stalker boy.)

Number Four: Did I mention English class? I think this deserves to be on the list twice, because it's mean and annoying. And Joshua's in it, and wants to "study" with me for it sometime. The saddest thing is, if he's getting a better grade than me in the class after a month or so...I might take him up on that offer, just so I can pass the class.

Number Five: I'm still bummed that Stel didn't beat Jerry in the election. She would have actually made a good Student Body president, whereas Jerry will rest on his assumed laurels and do absolutely nothing with the position. And I don't like it that Stel's not more upset. Her attitude toward the end was clearly not respectful of all of the things I was doing to help her out, and I kind of resent that. I was only attempting to help her out with something that she actually wanted. And as soon as I start helping, it's "No, that's all right, I don't really want to."

Number Six: …well, I'm sure that there's a number six. And if there isn't at the moment, I'm sure that one will conveniently present itself within the next twenty four hours, at my gracious request. (Can you feel the dripping sarcasm oozing out of the written words on this page?) Whatever. Number Six will have to wait until later.

That's just ridiculous, that there are that many things in this world that are bothering me right now. I honestly wonder sometimes if it might be easier to just be a one-celled organism, or an animal or even a computer, and not have to think about all of the complications that humanity and intellect and reasoning processes seem to cause. It would be wonderful if, just for once, I didn't have to think; if someone else would think in my place, fill in, be my replacement for a day.

But it'll never happen, so while I'm here I have to do what I can to be myself. That means that right now, I should really start paying attention, because I honestly don't want to have to study English with Joshua…
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