Oh, no! It's Dihydrogen Monoxide!

May 16, 2005 21:38

Well, I think hydrogren hydroxide is probably a bit more correct, but... this website is still great.

w007... I finally finished up AP history a couple weeks ago, and took the AP exam about two weeks ago, or so. 'Twas hard, but only because I had to write three essays in about 2 hours or so, one of which was the dreaded DBQ (Data Based Question), which are alot harder to write than they sound at first. Blech. I think idid pretty well on it, however I'm still going to keep my fingers crossed.
I'm hating my Health class. It's incompetent. The 7th grade version of it was taught better. The book is crappy, reads like a 5th grader wrote it (well... maybe a rather eloquent 5th grader), and taught by a guy who insists on repeating his jokes. His really BAD jokes. We also have three teachers: Mr. Jones (the normal teacher), a student teacher (can't remember his name), and a student teacher who is replacing Mr. Jones for a few weeks, although Mr. Jones will remain in the classroom. Mr. Jones said that the student teacher was running the class from instruction to grading, but apparantly he still decides test dates, because we have a test tommorrow on a chapter that we've covered all of maybe 2 1/2 days. This wouldn't be so bad if we had a book to study from (even if it has a low reading-level), but the school won't buy enough books for every student to be able to bring one home. I'm wondering why we even have to take this class again. They cover all of this stuff quite thoroughly in middle school, and the drug unit even more thoroughly in elementary. I thought classes were for LEARNING in, not simply reviewing something so drilled into us that we could hardly forget, even if we wanted to. I could be using this time for something so much more constructive like.. sleeping. *sigh* Oh well. Not much can be done about it. Might as well just grin (or grimace) and bear it.
I went to the dentist today... as usual it scared the crap out of me. I think I have a phobia of dentists. Can't remember the word for it, though... orthephobia? Or is that fear of the mouth? xD Anywho, as per usual, no cavities or anything, but I'm still nervous about my next visit anyways. Blah.
I haven't heard from the person I was going to be working with on the comic in a while, so I'm just going to work on my own comic for the time being. I finally got a good idea that I can actually expand on enough to turn into a story. And I have a couple of friends at school who are willing to help me. Yay. =3
I am being very clutsy lately... I have three places that need band-aids right now, and at least three places that still have scabs/scars from recent cuts. I have a carpet-burn on my elbow from acting like an idiot in english class today. It hurts. Owwie... And the cut from the TV falling on my foot hurts too.. However, the deepest cut hurts the least. What's up with that? Ah, well. I'm not going to start complaining if a wound decides not to hurt.
Babbling is fun. However, babbling must be stopped before it gets out of control. So, I'm stopping the babbling here. Yep.

I want pocky.
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