Apr 26, 2004 19:30
*has stolen survey from Farwell*
Part One - Names
1. Your REAL Name: Danielle. I am so changing it.
2. What friends call you: Lunatick. Or Twitch. Or Dani. Or Danielle. Curse them for the latter two.
3. What your (ex) boy/girl friend calls you: *blinks* What is this '(ex) boy/girl friend' of which you speak?
4. What's a name you once wished you'd rather have?: When I was 4, I wanted to be named Cinderella. X.x
5. What is/are the ugliest name(s) you can think of?: Agnes, Hubert, Harris, Frank.
6. What would you name these if you had them as pets?
a. turtle: Michellangelo(sp?)
b. goose: Bill
c. pirate: Timmothy
d. a hot girl: Drjinntkl (Ha1 Try pronouncing THAT!)
7. If there was a song about you, what would it be called? 'When the strange go stranger'
8. What would you name your kids?: Non-existant and Imaginary, because that's what they would be.
9. What would you name a ship you built?: Fred.
10. If you wrote a book, what would it be called? The Shortest Book Ev- The End.
Part Two - Have you ever...
11. Thrown up in public?: Yeppers.
12. Eaten or drank anything spoiled?: Yes. Eww.
13. Had a rip in your pants you didn't know about?: Yeah. x.X
14. Tripped while checking someone out?: I'm not old enough to work at a check-out lane. (Hahahaha...ha. Heh. That was bad.)
15. Had to pay for something you broke?: Perfect little angles like me never break anything. 0 =3
16. Nearly drowned?: Yep. Twice.
17. Passed out?: Nah-ah.
18. Had a crush on somebody NOT single?: *blinks* No.
19. Been stuck in the rain?: You make getting stuck in the rain sound like a bad thing. But to answer the question, yes.
20. Been attacked by an animal?: Do Councelor's rabid parakeets with bad attitudes count?
21. Caught people having sex?: Thank goodness, no.
22. Fallen asleep while driving?: *isn't old enough to've fallen asleep at the wheel yet*
23. Felt attracted to someone of the same sex?: Nope.
24. Actually slipped on a banana peel?: Yes... *head hurts just thinking about it*
25. Made a wish that came true?: Yes. I wished that the clouds would clear up, and now it is sunny. X3
Part Three - Complete The Sentence
26. I once had a dream I was kissing ... nothing.
27. I'm only racist towards ... people who are racist... Haha. @.@
28. I don't even know why I'm ... not blue-skinned. *cries* ;_;
29. I'd give anything to have sex with ... nobody. Ick.
30. Nothing sucks more than having to ... do pointless school work/forced to write in a 'good' way about something I hate.
31. If I had six bucks I'd buy ... a gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream.
32. It's hot. I should take off my ... over-stuffed wintercoat/snowpants.
33. It's always more fun if you ... have fun. Yah. Makes perfect since, don' it?
34. You can't eat steak without ... Salt. Lots and lots of salt. Yummeh.
35. You better shut up before I ... tell you to shut up again.
36. Just put it on my ... elephant.
37. I really like you and everything ... but I'm really a black widow and disguise and I'd rather not have to eat you. Humans taste really bad.
38. I'm not who you think I am. I'm really a ... figment of your imagination bent on taking over your body and through you, take over the universe.
39. Dude! Where's my ... ray-gun.
Part Four - What would you do if..
40. A dirty old guy at the airport slaps your ass?: Kick him where it counts, fry him with a ray-gun, spray what I think might be the remaints of his eyes with pepperspray, and then sweep the remaining pile of sludge under the nearest rug.
41. You witness somebody about to steal your car?: Ray-guns are useful for so many different things.
42. You wake up with a billion spiders crawling all over you and your bed?: I <3 Ray-guns. Spiders, I do not.
43. You farted while giving a persuasive speech in class?: Kill the witnesses. (I'm feeling particularly brutal at the moment. Beans'll do that to ya. ;) )
44. The person you just kissed tells you they have oral herpes?: What is this 'kissed' you speak of?
45. A genie lets you have three wishes?: I'd wish for endless wishes, youthful immortality (as in physically 21 forever, let's say), world peace (*ish corny* And proud of it!)
46. The government allowed you to choose one thing to be made illegal and one thing to be legalized? To be made legal- Free education (I am SO moving to Germany. I mean, the coutnry has free tuition to college, gives you money for living expenses, and free transportation. *drool*). To be made illegal- The sky being blue. Muaha.
47. Britney Spears was at your front door asking for jumper cables?: I'd probably stuff her in a box and burry her in my backyard. I have no idea why.
48. You had a time machine?: I'd go back in time and tell my parents that having more than one child is a bad thing, thus ridding myself of certain younger brothers.
49. FOX gave you a half hour show to do whatever you wanted?: It shall be called the 'American Hold Music' show, and shall be about those annoying songs you are forced to listen to when big companies put you on hold.
Part Five - Would You Rather
50. Would you rather find the cure for cancer or the cure for AIDS?: Cancer.
51. Would you rather have the power to fly, or the power to teleport?: Fly.
52. Would you rather have the power to see the future, or the power to record your dreams?: Future.
53. Would you rather be really skinny, or really fat?: Really skinny.
54. Would you rather be lost in a forest, or stuck in a box?: Forest. Trees are the cooliest. That and I'm claustrophobic... x_X;
55. Would you rather be in a drama movie, or a comedy?: Dramas are too dramatic. Funny = goooood....
56. Would you rather be in a hip hop video or a rock video?: Rock, undoubtably.
57. Would you rather have your birthday on Christmas Day, or on February 29th?: Feb 29th, definitely. Nothing's cooler than being born on a day that doesn't exist 3 out of 4 years.
58. Would you rather live in the sewer, or in Afghanistan?: Depends on the location in said areas in which I would be living.
59. Would you rather be in a mental institution or in a penitentiary?:
60. Would you rather snow board or hang glide?: Hang glide. It's like flying... except possible.
61. Would you rather be a ninja or a pirate?: Can I be a Nirate instead? Or maybe a Pinja?
Part Six - What's the FIRST thing that comes to your mind when you read the following words?
62. Courage: Shiny.
63. Driver: Green.
64. Yoga: Somebody with four arms in a blue leotard with a bright sun rising behind her.
65. Bakery: Bread.
66. Roach: Pizza.
67. Mushroom: A cartoon mushroom that is bright red with white spots sitting next to a tree in a dark forest.
68. Sprung: Spring. As in the neat metal thing.
69. Exotic: Hibiscus.
70. Pythagorean: Caribbean.
Part Seven - Miscellaneous
71. Construct an acronym for these words. (example: G M S = Give Me Steak )
a. S O L R A C: Sunny Olives Laughing Rudely At Cats
b. D A N G E R: Ditzy Aardvarks Neatly Glowing Energetically Red (Very dangerous indeed)
c. C H I N A: Cows Hunting In Netherland(sp?) Areas
d. R P G: Relatively Pink Goats
72. What is your definition of love? Something I basically clueless about and would preffer it would remain as such.
73. List 3 words that are clues to identifying a person you are currently interested in: Not in Existance.
74. Reveal a secret about you that nobody knows of, but type it in acronym form. IAANRHBYAKT (I like long sentances =3)
75. Close your eyes, turn around, and then open them. Oww... I knicked my knee on me desk... ;_; No more spinning on my rolly chair with my eyes closed for me...
76. Were you too scared to do it?: ???
77. Who or what is your worst enemy?: Death = worst enemy.
78: Who is the last person you kicked?: I think it was... Fern. Most likely, anways. I kick alot of people... x_x
79. If you had to be a chess piece, which piece would you be?: The queen, 'cause she kicks butt. But then again, knights have horses... ;_; So hard to decide...
80. Name three people you know whose names begin with the last letter of your first name: Do imaginary friends count?
81. What's one romantic thing somebody's done for you?: Huh? People do romantic things? *blinks* New concept.
82. If you had to break one of your bones, which bone would it be?: One of the bones in my pinky on my left hand. It's already crooked, so there's nothing much to lose. I'll just hve to go without ny 'a's for 'while.
Part Eight - What Is Your Counter Argument?
(Example: "You suck." ~~> "No YOU suck.")
83. "Guys want nothing but action." ~~> Unless there's a lazy boy, a TV showing a football game, or a can/bottle/keg of beer somewhere in their general vicinity.
84. "Only idiots watch The Simpsons." ~~> Is that why you have the entire script of every SImpsons episode memorised?
85. "Kentucky is way better than Cali." ~~> I couldn't agree more (It's true! Being from Kentucky, I'm rather biased on this subject. So nyah.)
86. "There's nothing wrong with stealing." ~~> At least, there's nothing wrong with me stealing your stuff. And selling it at an inflated price and getting rich off of your misfortune. And then laughing insanely at your stupidity. Yes, there is certainly nothing wrong with stealing.
87. "Alcohol is the answer to ALL your problems." ~~> *waves around empty beer bottle in a drunken stupor* So why *hic* are you still *hic* here?
88. "You don't need to go to college to be a brain surgeon." ~~>
89. "Music is stupid." ~~> And so are you. Nyah. (I'm immature, so what?)
90. "Your car sucks." ~~> Yours will suck more as soon as I find my cro-bar(sp?)
Part Nine - One More
91. Predict who the first person is that will leave a comment in your box: Myself. *waves around empty beer bottle* Alcohol *hic* is the answer to ALL *hic* your problems!*hic*
Hmm. That would be my first on-line survey that I've ever filled out... x,X Mweh. And as a final note, I have a new hat. It is soft and poofy.