Mr Sim's Training

Apr 10, 2010 12:37

  Initially when I heard from my fellow Bronze Medallion(BM) classmates that Mr Sim's training is a killer, I did not believe them.  I went for Mr Sim's training twice but it was not as tought it would be. Last night's training made me consider wise.

Mr Sim's Training Regime

1) 4 x 100 Flutter Kick with Board
2) 4 x 100 Pull with Paddle and Board, Left Hand
3) 4 x 100 Pull with Paddle and Board, Righ Hand
4) 4 x  200 Front Crawl with Fin
5) 4 x 200 Front Crawl, Obstacle

And so, ladies and gentlement, that was a total of 2.8Km swim for me. HAHA!! The flutter kick was the hardest for me. Anyway, by the time I finished it, whole back was aching. >.> And when I got home, I just collapsed onto my bed and snoozed till 11am just now. HAHA

Gambatte neh!!

work|ng out, schoo|

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