I've been around, but the last couple of weeks have been stressful & crazy busy, so I haven't been posting or commenting much. Hopefully things will get a little less spazz-tacular (or so I can hope).
All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned By Watching Glee: Bon Jovi songs make kick ass mash ups.
Two weeks between Glee episodes is too much, you guys. And next week, the Christmas CD is released, and I am like ten million types of happy. CAN. NOT. WAIT.
Where would one view A Very Potter Musical & A Very Potter Sequel? THIS IS RELEVANT TO MY INTERESTS.
Overall, I liked the episode muchly. I like Blaine, and have decided that we can keep him.
I know I should have deeper thoughts,but I don't right now. What I do have to say though, is: