I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me...

Feb 09, 2006 20:18


YAY ALLISON! I must say she carried this episode spectacularly; and at several points I teared up. Such a very powerful episode, and all I can say is ALLISON DID A DAMN GOOD JOB.

This episode, for me, was much creepier than many Supernatural eps. I was genuinely afraid for Chloe, and that's just more than my paranoia. Plus, the dude was super creepy, and...*shudders* Maybe it's because I knew Dean and Sam weren't going to rush in and save the day.

Shower scenes aren't just for Lana anymore. Though Chloe was taking it a little risky, taking a shower in a thunderstorm.

Seeing Chloe with her wrists cut? Was kinda like a kick to the gut.

Lana annoyed me this episode. How she freaked out about Chloe? Is how she cannonically would have acted about Clark's secret. And to the writers- WTF. Clark and Lana broke up in "Reckoning". Why, two weeks later are they still going through this? Break Up. That story's played it's course. Give us Lexana and Chlark. It's time.

The Chlark. As always...guh.

The way he talked to her in the hospital, the way he was standing guard. HE SNUCK HER OUT OF THE HOSPITAL. The fact that he did that was really awesome to me, because I've been watching "Just Like Heaven", and it made me think of that. *melts*

Lois seemed a little slow---this is Smallville....I'd like to see her embrace the supernatural a little faster, but then again....just another reason she's not my Lois.

I totally buy Lex wanting to get Chloe help; but given that he didn't have the best experience at Belle Reeve, you'd think he'd reccommend somewhere else first? I don't know. It seems a little bit like Batman checking in Dick Grayson into Arkham to me. But nevermind.

Clark's face while Lex was talking to him about Belle Reeve and not wanting to see your loved one go through something? *sigh* Got to me. Majorly. SO MUCH.

Yay Tom! Yay Michael!

Also---Lana was sleeping with her coat on. Proving once and for all that she is a frigid bitch? You be the judge.

I'm a little sorry that the side storyline about the new sheriff got cut. Not that sad, though, if it means more Chloe time.

I love that Clark challenged Chloe to go see her mother- it was the push she needed---and that's what I see Chloe and Clark doing, pushing each other to be better people. Which is pretty damn skippety.

My Ship kicks ass.

I forsee plenty of future plotbunnies. Of Chloe and Clark after they get back to the Kent house---I'm certain, with a body found in the wall, that Chloe and Lois wouldn't be staying at the Talon. Because Creepy. And the police would block it off, you'd think, to investigate and do CSI stuff.

I'd like to see Lana eat crow---she can't dismiss Chloe being possessed, because, hello, Isobel.

It's cruel, though, not to tell us more about Chloe's mom. I WANT A NAME! I WANT A FACE! *pouts*

Chloe's line about "Why was I able to see her?" Made me go in the supernatural direction. She sees dead people. It's her power. Chloe Sullivan, Ghost Whisperer. *g*


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