The steak on a stick club. I'm starting a club. Anyone wanna join? We should have t-shirts.
Hee! Rory on the "Carrots....delicious"
So far this seems to be Real! Emily and Richard, instead of whoever in the hell was there last week. So far.
I like Rory's blue dress thing. The sweater last week, and now Rory's outfit...
The problem is, Rory, that your grandparents can be snobs. And I'm taking back the comment about the Real! Emily and Richard. Apparently, they only want their girls to be with rich guys. *threatens the elder Gilmores with a spork if they break up Luke and Lorelai* Breaking up Rory and Dean I don't mind. Because Logan. I like Logan.
And they don't know that Rory and Dean are sleeping together---I think they'd have a coronary. Let's watch and see...
Gee, the credits look Yellow. Is it my tv or is the tinting off? The commercials aren't yellowy. Huh.
Candian Mountie Hat? Oh, that snark will birth like eleventy billion fics.
Lawns taken out- *LOL* And Babboons! Who doesn't like Babboons. Gumbo? Who knew that Luke was so multiculturally food oriented? Not I, I say.
I want a kiss! But I like the mountie hat stuff.
Is Lane going to Lane-ify the exchange student? I'm not spoiled, so I don't know.
Paris has an older guy fascination.
Richard and Emily--what an act.
Sex daggers?
I want more Lane and Zack. I like them. Last week=squee!
Mrs. Kim? My goodness- the exchange student was a spy! Bad spy! No cookie!
Rory, you've gotta want something more from a relationship than this. I'm suprised that Lindsay settled for this- or did her parents pay for everything?
Die, Rory/Dean relationship, DIE!
The Mountie and The Maid.
We've all known Luke was perfect, Lor. Glad you realized that Kelsey wasn't all that.
Hee! Love the Clooney jokes. I do like Rosemary Clooney music. Guess it's the influence of watching White Christmas too much as a little kid.
Gee, you think the Satan's Sludge sound bad? Gee, Zack, you think that this is bad? Try being a Gilmore and dealing with Emily and Richard.
Hee, now I need a fic where Zach and Lane are in a band called the Hellhounds.
Luke and Lorelai are so cute. Damn TJ. Go away. I want schoompyness. You are ruining my schoompyness!
Richard & Emily Lorelai, Ivy League Pimps.
I'm not sure what to make of the Polar Express. But I could use some hot chocolate right now. Mmmm, hot chocolate.
I wish Logan was here.
Get your man Liz. And then, you, Luke, take Lorelai in your arms and go at the NC-17.
LOL- Having family near is fun! You go Luke!
YAY! Logan! Squee!!!!!
I think with Logan; I might like the Rory plot this year.
Don't send her home!!
SQUEE!! KISSAGE!! Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, did Dean have to be so nice about breaking up? It's a nice breakup, and I wasn't expecting that. I guess I do like Dean, after all. Because maybe season 1 Dean is there underneath it all. Dean did belong with Rory, once upon a time. And maybe in the future, who knows. But right now, they are each in such different worlds- she needs someone who's ready to explore the world with her, and show her things. Dean has his world; he'll probably be in Stars Hollow for most of his life. I don't think Rory will be.
Awwwwwwwwww, Logan is so sweet! Logan=adorable. I want a Logan. He's becoming less and less a replacement Tristian and more his own character. I want a Logan.
ER#$$#$#$#$##!@# !!! (Translation- UGH! CHRISTOPHER)