Updated 2011 Goals

Jan 12, 2011 06:57

In order of priority:
1. Career: Improve journalism skills. Improve design skills. Learn to work efficiently and productively (I need some GTD!). Ask for a raise!!
Action plan: read books on journalism; constantly look for new ways to improve productivity, skills, and efficiency.

2. Finance: Cut down and eliminate debt. Save at least $2000 (conservative estimate!). Invest at least $500. Work on frugality/minimalist/spender percentages.Move out on my own.
Action plan: pay off one credit card at a time; set aside $150-200 monthly; work on budgeting for both large and small purchases (as well as minimizing what I spend...be a quality faux-minimalist ^_^).

3. Health/Beauty: Get back on medication; get 8-9 hours of sleep every night (at least on weekdays); grow hair longer than APL; clear skin
Action plan: Do activities that destress after work such as listening to soothing music or reading; stick with a skincare routine that works; be in bed by 9pm; improve diet

4. Writing: Finish manuscript for novel.
Action plan: set aside chunks on the weekend to focus on writing

5. Language: Know a minimum of grade one and two kanji and vocabulary; increase vocabulary and grammar through Jpod; Get to intermediate Korean
Action plan: Study during work breaks or at lunch, or while sitting in traffic; make CDs of audio lessons to use in the car;

6. Other: Buy a Kate Spade handbag. Buy new electronics: Apple Ipod touch, new laptop, and cell phone with a really good camera; get rid of 90% of books owned; develop shopping system for makeup/clothing so that you are only shopping two times a year (fall and spring)
Action plan: read style books, research electronics while saving (have a budget), have a budget for clothing/makeup shopping; use afternoon weekdays to read books

This also means I need to update my rewards and January goals (this will be updated as I think of stuff):

Career: Cut down mistakes on layout pages to below 5. Cut down mistakes on articles to below 3: put $150 in secondary savings

Finance: Save $200 more dollars. Pay all bills on time: Move $200 to secondary savings

Writing: If I have 10,000 words rewritten/completed this month related to my novel: A light. A light for either my kindle or one that I can stick on my bed's headboard or something so I don't have to always reach for the light!

Health/Beauty: be in bed by 9pm on weekdays. develop a skincare routine that works: Replace any needed products

Language:   Complete level 1 kanji; get through half of Beginning season 1 of Korean class and first 12 lessons of Japanesepod : Rilakkuma Plush or 2

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