Ebay and stuff

Nov 11, 2010 00:04

I've got my ebay store up. It takes forever to put things. I still have loads more stuff to put up including baby/tot clothing and men's stuff. Plus a bunch of random items. Where am I getting this from? My family (parents, siblings, aunts, and uncles) like to collect items and go shopping. This includes myself of course. I'm no packrat though, I eventually just want to dump it all. I need to make room for more expensive stuff :D. I have had my eye on nail polish and lipstick. Although more importantly, my professional wardrobe sucks. And I need a bag to carry all of my stuff (notebook, pen, recorder, phone, etc) in.So that is top priority. I've found a couple of bags but have settled on a bag I found on Levenger. It has all sorts of neat compartments. But I also need lots of tops. I have enough skirts I think. And maybe two pants. But I hate pants ;_; I need a lot of other stuff to. I have to make lists. It keeps me sane. That's all.

Also need to work on my diet ^_^

fashion, job, beauty, ebay, career

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