The villagers sit in the town square and argue vehemently as the day draws on, fingers are pointed, strategies to draw out the wolves and whether or not a wolf-shaped hole in your house constitutes a valid form of decoration. There was also some debate about the masculinity of fainting at the sight of blood. Despite the rampant flirting going on, the villagers somehow manage to eventually get itself together and start throwing accusations around.
Fingers were pointed , everyone yelled at once and got angry. Suspicion and rumours and hearsay were rife.
X_equals_speed proposed a bold plan, and
RossB gamely stepped up and revealed himself to be the village seer. This plan, however, was not universally accepted as the most sensible option.
vanishingrad protested vehemently that exposing the Seer was a risky thing to do. After some persuasion on his part, the villagers eventually agreed that
x_equals_speed was probably not a wolf in human clothing and relented.
The voting was a close tie through most of the day.. with the villagers suspicious of
Ralphwynn, and some raised eyebrows at
The talk and discussion eventually came around to
neoanjou, and the votes and accusations came in. His defence was vehement, but as the sun began to set, the villagers made their final decision. A cold silence swept over the town square as the noose was strung. The villagers collectively held their breath, waiting for signs of fur and claws.
There was none.
neoanjou, Townie Has been lynched - day 1.
The final Vote count
Neoanjou 6 - (
yartek) unvoted -
x_equals_speed Ralphwynn 2 - (
Bunnyowen 0 (-) - unvoted
diremongoose x_equals_speed 0 - ( - ) unvoted -
vanishingrad Neoanjou, you may have your final words on this post. Otherwise, that's it for day one!
Night posts will be up shortly, sorry this has been so late!