It didn't rain!*

Jun 24, 2012 03:37

My sister and I went to the local fair tonight. There was much funtiems to be had. :D We were childless and free for a sisterly outing and man were we in need of it! We had overly-priced carnival food (funnel cakes and curly fries /w cheese) and rode the tilt-a-whirl more times than I can remember. (Three, I think.) And entertained the ride operator dude, cause we really love that ride (and make it spin by moving around). Seriously, we got a workout just on that ride, lol. And a huge swollen bruise/burn on my elbow when I caught it on the back of the seat when I was sliding, but. Oops. *laughs* It was fun anyway.

Then I was bribed into going to the bar with Sister. I'm not much of a bar-going person, or all that sociable, so it's not really my kind of place. But I went anyway. And though there was no drinking (we didn't have the money for it, lol), I was entertained at least. One dude that knows my sister (and her friend, who went with us) was all like "so you're her younger sister huh? Are you even old enough to be here??" I was all "LOL forever, but I'm honored that you think I'm *that* young." We then explained that no, I'm actually older than everyone we were with atm. To which he was all "You look all quiet and shy type, a goody-good. Plus you're not drinking." Which translates to over five years younger than I actually am, apparently. (This same dude proceeded to check my finger to see if I was married and then ask me about my sex life. BECAUSE THAT IS TOTALLY WHAT I TELL PEOPLE FIVE MINUTES AFTER I'VE MET THEM. Really. *shakes head*)

And then! I got hit on. This is funny because this is why I don't like going to bars. Getting hit on by strangers is not my thing. Plus, established relationship and all. *♥'s
rosabelle* And my sister was all "I am not going to leave your side, I'll make sure no one hits on you!" (which, since I was completely sober, I wasn't too worried about). Literally, the second I was alone, a dude was eyeing me and waggling his finger at me to 'come over'. Then he just asked me if I could change the music or request a song or something, I really wasn't paying him much attention. I was just like "Uh...I'm not the DJ, and he's right over there if you want him to play something else." (Plus I actually *knew* the song that was playing (Poker Face by Lady Gaga) and liked it a whole lot more than what had been on, so.)

Then we got bored and came home, and I don't know how I am still awake really. I think I had a whole...two and a half hours of sleep? Heee. But I'm still all wound up and hyper from the social stimulation, so. I imagine it'll hit me soon. All in all, today was a pretty good (if not entertaining) day.

Oh! And there was KORRA!! :D Which I haven't talked about much at all, really. But, I love this show so much. I wish it hadn't been so compressed, but they still did a great job with it nonetheless. The finale did feel a bit rushed though. Like, there needed to be at least another episode to expand it a bit. And even though I ship have shipped Korra/Mako from the beginning, I am kinda miffed about the way that triangle was handled. I mean, were he and Asami for definite broken up? "Whatever happens" doesn't sound like "I don't want to be with you anymore, cause I'm in love with Korra". At least that whole thing didn't sound like a definite break-up to me, idk. (Even though I may have still clapped and made a happy fangirly sound when they were together outside.)

And I wasn't expecting Tarlok to blow the boat out of the water. o.O That one actually caught me by surprise. Though it did feel a little copout-ish. I was hoping for more...interaction with Amon/both of them for the next season. But I'm not complaining, this show has had me all sparkly-eyed from the start. It hasn't really disappointed me at all.

And this didn't really bother me, cause ZUKO, but General Iroh 2.0 looks too old for Zuko's voice. It just doesn't sound right for the character (even though I grin like an idiot every time he talks). But the plane hopscotch scene was awesome! :D

And Asami didn't turn against them! And fought her father! AWESOME. :D

Airbending! I'm sure someone's already figured out the why already, did that block everything but Korra's airbending? Like, was it cause she couldn't do it that it unlocked it? Flipped the switch so that all the "on" abilities got turned "off" and vice versa?

Also YAY MORE KATARA. And EVERYONE was there! *fangirlflail* And Aang, and AVATAR KORRA!! And fixing Lin! Yaaaaaay, I love this show. <3

Nearly murdered the DVR for cutting off the ending to tune in to a rerun of Samurai that I guess I didn't have on the DVR already. But since Samurai came on directly after Korra, it still recorded the last couple minutes, so. BUT YEAH. IT CUT OFF RIGHT AS KORRA PUT HER HANDS ON LIN. I was all "Nooooooooo wtf???"

*LOL, so every time my sister and I plan to go out and do something together, it rains. When we went to see Hunger Games at the drive-in? Thunderstorm of doom. When we went to see Avengers a couple weeks ago at the same drive-in? Stormed again. (Though the lightning stayed far off for a while and was a pretty side show to the movie...until it got to us and my anxiety cranked up.) It's been cloudy all day, I was beginning to wonder if we were just on a bad luck streak, but no storms! \o/

tv: the legend of korra, life, family: sister, lolz

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