Day 3: Favorite Team
I've been sitting here staring at this entry for a good 2 hours at least, contemplating this. Because, yes, I am obsessed with the Space team and everything that comes with them, but when thinking about each individual *team*, are they my favorite? I don't know. *amused* So, I'll just list some of my favorites each team and babble about them a little, and see what comes of it.
MMPR (All incarnations)
These teams showed us what it meant to be a team. The first group especially became a close-knit unit, that stood by one another no matter what. And it continued with each new addition to the team. The Rangers would pull them into the group just like any of the past teammates, no matter their pasts. It just felt like a family, which is a big part of why I fell in love with PR.
Zeo was The Tommy Show, and the reason it's not my favorite. It *felt* like it was all about Tommy. Not so much the team anymore. Turbo *could* have been good, had there been one team for the entire season. Although Turbo team 2 had and made strong friendships that grew in Space. (Despite saying that, these two would not make my list.)
Oh Space, how I love you. The earth bunch really pulled together as a unit--which, seeing as they went into freakin' space with little warning, not knowing if they'd ever even be able to come back? Yeah, totally understandable that they'd pull together. At that moment, they were all each other had. It took them a while to break Andros's shell, but once they did, it felt like a team. They followed Andros even at times when they weren't sure of things--not always quietly, mind, and not without question, but for the most part, they let him lead and followed him. I also liked that it wasn't all Andros's decision on everything. They would all talk about the challenge ahead and decide what to do as a team. He wasn't a super leader, and no one faded into the background. And, once again, as I said yesterday, they lived together, which set them closer already. ♥
Lost Galaxy
I don't feel like the Galaxy team were as close as the Space team, but they were definitely a unit. Yes they were out in space, but they weren't alone. And their teammates might live down the hall...but so did lots of other people on the ship. Maybe that's why it didn't feel as close to me. I felt like the girls were close, and the guys were close, since they had their separate quarters. Don't get me wrong, the guys still cared just as much about the girls (and vice versa), it just....didn't feel as close. Still a good team though.
Lightspeed Rescue
This team was pieced together by who the military thought was best for each morpher in personality and strengths. Aaaand that's kinda what this team felt like. Pieces. :( They were ruled by an organization, not each other, which for me really took away from it. And they pulled it together as a team, but it took me a long time to feel it. (I do like this season! Really! *giggles* Seriously need a rewatch of this one.)
Time Force
This team is definitely one of my favorites as well. ♥ They too, were from an organized/police type thing, but even so, they knew how to work as a team. Aaaand, much like the space team (although a bit different), they went to a place where they didn't know anyone, or even if they'd ever go back to their own time. And that, I think, is what brought them so close. It took Wes a minute to mesh in with the team, but once he did they were a pretty solid family. Even more than a team. ♥
Wild Force
This was a snuggly bunch. They worked as a team, and became family, even if they had rough beginnings. Would I say they're one of the best though? No.
Ninja Storm
Ahaha, I love this team. With Cam around they pretty well knew what they were doing. And they all meshed together well--even if Cam was rolling his eyes half the time. But all-in-all, even though separated a lot of the time, they still felt like a team.
Dino Thunder
I don't think this one was a bad team, but I have literally only suffered through the season once, and haven't been able to get through it again. So I can't really elaborate my thoughts on this one.
They came a long way, but they were a team by the end of the season. A very good one at that. They had their hard times, but they were a pretty strong and formidable force when worse came to worst. Military/police force as well, but they were a team all on their own, even with Doggie/everyone on the base.
Mystic Force
Heee, this season is much like DT for me. Have suffered through it once only, so I can't really formulate a good opinion on them. I don't think they were a necessarily bad team, I just really don't remember them much. (Though I do remember wanting to know more about Madison *other* than her carrying around a camera and crushing on Nick. She was definitely one of those I felt faded into the background. :( Sad really. She was instantly my favorite when it started.)
Operation Overdrive
Another team pieced together. They worked it out, but it didn't always feel team-y.
Jungle Fury
Snuggliest team ever! OMG I love this bunch! They were more of a family type team. And they lived together again! :D Not that other ones didn't, but this is one of those where I feel living together helped them and brought them closer as a team. And they weren't living under an organization of some kind that governed their every move. It was just them. (Granted it *could* have been in an organized place if circumstances had been different, but RJ felt like one of the team, even if he was their mentor as well.)
Amazing team. The main three were already meshed and close to being family when Ziggy and Dillon joined, and, even though Dillon was stubborn, they were quickly accepted as a part of the team. And then Gem and Gemma were somewhat family already (to Dr. K anyway), even if annoying at times. They were a 2 in 1 6th ranger though, definitely. Did their own thing at times, but still came back to the team. Even if it took them a while to learn the meaning of working as a team and thinking things through together as a team. Still a good one, all in all, I think. :)
ETA: Ahaha, And
tsukino_akume mentioned that I never did name my favorite. I don't have just one, so I'll name the ones I like a lot.
In no particular order:
Time Force
SPD (ETA2, cause I can't stop thinking about it! *laughs*)
1) How did you get into PR?2) Favorite season3) Favorite Team
4) Favorite Male Ranger
5) Favorite Female Ranger
6) Favorite sixth Ranger
7) Favorite Color Ranger
8) Favorite formerly evil Ranger
9) Favorite Villain
10) Favorite redeemed villain
11) Favorite villain henchmen
12) Favorite villain sidekick
13) Favorite Monster of the Week
14) Favorite Mentor
15) Favorite Support Staff
16) Favorite Supporting character
17) Favorite Couple (canon)
18) Favorite Couple (fanon)
19) Favorite friendship
20) Favorite Teamup
21) Favorite HQ
22) Favorite Earth Location
23) Favorite non-Earth location
24) Favorite Zord
25) Favorite Uniforms
26) Favorite morph call/sequence
27) Favorite Morpher
28) Favorite under a spell
29) Favorite storyarc/episode
30) Favorite finale