Ace Attorney 1-1 Replay

Jan 03, 2010 01:31

I know how sad it is that fandom is making me active on this thing. So very sad indeed.

I just finished relaying 1-1 and I think this is the fourth time I've played this case. This one case is always the easiest because it's the first one. Of course they aren't going to make it too difficult or otherwise you'd get frustrated and not want to play the rest. This case was not difficult to replay because despite it being several months since I played it last, I still remembered all the right pieces of evidence to present.

My first impression of Phoenix was that of a giant dork and his basic court sprites still give me that impression. I like his worried and on the spot sprites much better than the ones the court scenes open with.

I remember think Mia's outfit was very revealing the first time I saw her, but now I'm jaded to it. I like her court assistant sprites better than I do her out of court ones. Her outfit looks nice enough, and I think Lawyer!Mia is my favorite sprite of her. This seems like the only case she's in where she isn't super helpful. I thought the clues were helpful enough to make you find the answers on your own, but she wasn't holding your hand to much.

Larry really didn't annoy me this play through and I don't remember finding him annoying the first time. I felt bad or him when Payne talked about Cindy being a huge floozy though.

This play through I kept wondering which piece of evidence would send Sawhit over the edge so he'd rip off his toupee (I couldn't exactly remember when it happened). As far as a breakdown goes, it's not as epic on subsequent play throughs as it seemed the very first time I played it.

I believe this is the most competetant the judge ever is during the trials. He didn't seem like quite the doddering old fool he is in later cases.

The end of the case, of course, made me think something more would be seen in Phoenix and Mia's outside of court life, call it romantic if you will. I wouldn't say I shipped them per se. I consider it a ship if I actually go looking for fan works of the couple and I did not do that until much later and not with them.

I don't remember being overly/underly impressed with the case when I first played it other than it made me want to play the next case because it does have a great lead in. Made me want to find out what happened. This is not a case I'd normally replay because it's not the most thrilling case, but it was fun to revisit for this purpose.
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