Jan 18, 2008 14:27
With Monday as the Martin Luther King holiday, I'm thinking of how I should be spending it. There's that possibility of reviewing and cramming Calculus I and Org Chem I back into my brains (which does not look pretty), or subbing and translating stuff that are long due.
Maybe I'll do the latter. After the first week, I'm not yet feeling the brunt of Calc especially, but I know it will. So before I get waist deep in integrals, I might as well finish all in one weekend and drown in math responsibility free. XD Yeah, I'll do that.
My drama picks turned out ok, save for Shikaotoko. I was expecting it to be half-slapstick, half-sentimental, but surprisingly, it was mysteriously engaging. It was... I can't pin it down, but I like it. Yoshio is developing nicely, although I'm suffering from a bit of Pretty Boy withdrawal syndrome (So I'm shallow blech). Guren was hilarious, but I fear it's going to be more episodic than renzoku. Hachimitsu was ok, I got to the middle of ep 2 before I went to sleep (which had more to do with me being uber busy with studies). And of course, Nodame SP was excellente beyond words.
I haven't watched the others yet, such as Lost Time, Atsuhime, Binbo Danshi, Bara no nai and Sasaki Fusai, so I've yet to pass judgement on them. I watched 1 Pondo for like 5 minutes, then deleted it. TBH I don't like how Kame looks much, and even more naked!Kame. So in to the bin. Koshonin was too Law and Order Japanese version for me; I have enough of that from my mom who watches marathons of that genre. I just watched for a few to check out the really nice bra Siantut was talking about XD (I don't care much for Pi's bff whatever-his-name-was either)
So anywayyy I'm ranting again. Haha my English teacher turns out to be neurotic. I knew it XD
real life,