Portland Bucket List: Or What I'll Be Doing For The Next Few Months

Apr 05, 2013 12:13

So, after a missed week, we finally have the Portland Bucket List!

A little bit of background on the situation. I've been living in Portland, OR for the last couple of years and been quite enjoying it. However, all things change and this summer, I'll be moving to Colorado. Because why not.

But before I leave Portland, I and my roommate want to revisit and visit for the first time some of the very best of Portland. Of course, this list is entirely subjective and covers the things I want to do. I'm sure other people would list an entirely different spectrum of wants out of Portland, but they can make their own bucket lists. The list is below, with some notes on what these things are and why they're important. I'll update as things get completed.

Oregon Zoo
Japanese Garden
Chinese Garden
The Portland Art Museum: I think I've been inside several times and I still, STILL do not think I've seen the whole museum.
Neighborhood Photos: This is more one of my roommate's choices. But Portland has some neat corners and architecture and I'm always happy to explore and look around while she has the camera out.
Voodoo Donuts: The notorious donut shop. I've had their delicious delicacies before, but not visited their shop personally. Planning to fix that.
Council Crest: The high point of Portland. Literally!
The 24 Hour Church of Elvis: Needs visiting. Do I really need to explain?
Powell's (downtown): Powell's is a beautiful bookstore and I want to spend one last trip browsing its massive shelves. You'll probably find me in the gold room.
Dinner at 2nd Story: One of my favorite restaurants in town, a little gem of a location in Southeast. http://www.2ndstorypdx.com/
Brunch at 2nd Story: And my favorite restaurants has recently started offering brunch. What could be more perfectly Portland?
Rose Garden: It is the rose city after all.
Write in a coffee shop: What? Isn't that every hipsters dream?
Coast: You will find little more dramatic than the Oregon coast.
Bridge Crossing: I made it my goal at one point to walk across every walkable bridge in Portland. That's a number of bridges.
Photograph St. John's Bridge: The only bridge I haven't crossed yet, and my roommate wants to spend some time with her camera on it.
Visit Seattle: This may get skipped, but Seattle is also a fantastic city and I'd like to visit before leaving the area.
Valley Train Ride: I may
Shanghai Tunnels: Did you know that there are tunnels under parts of Portland where drunk sailors were abducted and pressed into labor on strange boats in the 1890s? And now they do tours of them? YEAH, I KNOW RIGHT?
Columbia Gorge/Multnomah Falls: For all that I grew up in Oregon, I don't think I've ever visited the Columbia Gorge. So we'll be taking a trip to see the Gorge and Multnomah Falls therein.
Fruit Picking: There's a lot of pick your own farms in the area. There's a good chance that, as we get close to spring, I'll get a chance to visit and have some deliciously fresh produce.

Actually, we have completed one thing on the list, so I get to report already.

Burgerville Fresh Strawberry Shakes: Every year, in the spring, Bugerville (a local chain) has these amazing fresh strawberry shakes. They taste like a can of cream and a strawberry patch had a child and its beautiful, beautiful assault on nature.. Burgerville started selling the shakes just last week, so we stopped in to get one. Or several over the course of the week, as the case may be. The result... Not actually quite as good as we were hoping for. It's still early in the strawberry season, so the shakes aren't as good as they will be in a few more weeks.

But no worries. I'm sure there are more shakes in the future for me.

portland bucket list

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