On the creative front:
Caved and made a journal for the Death Guard.
thedeathguard for anyone interested. Might turn it into a community now that I think about it, as that would make more sense. I haven't decided yet.
Nothing really there yet, but will eventually be using it to post and archive edited versions of all the Death Guard crack that I write. (Which means, yes, you'll be getting beta request wibbles, Hollie.) Also possibly bios, outlines, and other bits of silly fluff. Thoughts on if it makes more sense as a journal or a community as well?
On the work front:
Does anyone know of a way to make people stop scapegoating and hating an aspect of their job?
We use a program at my work that is... not the best program ever. It had a rough start, it's still got some very distinctive and real flaws.
However, people have got it in their heads that this program is THE BIGGEST BARRIER to getting their work done.
Now, don't get me wrong. The system goes down more often than it should and if there's a lot of people on, it drags like hell. What people keep happily ignoring is that it is also GETTING BETTER all the time. Things are way better than when they started, are constantly getting better, and there are a lot of things that make life far easier in the program. No, it's hardly perfect, but I also just don't think it's THE biggest barrier to people getting their job done. Maybe it's because I don't use the system as much as them, but... Argh. I wish there was less scapegoating on the program.
No one blames me for the problems, but it looks like being the point person for the program is becoming one of my main duties soon.
I am... uh... a little freaked out about this. In fact, in general it looks like they want to shift my job duties away from data entry and more into a bit more administrative.
This is, I'm aware, good because it means they trust me and admin people tend to get PAID better than data entry junkies. But at the same time, I LIKE data entry, honestly I do. Sure, sometimes it gets boring, but there's something very satisfying and measurable about data entry. At the end of the day, it's easy to know how much you accomplished, because you can check how many pages you entered or filed or what have you. Admin jobs are harder to measure. What did you do all morning? "Uh, I called people and emailed people and then glared at this thing and then went in circles with another round of emails..."
Plus the things you screw up in data entry are easier to deal with. Sure, maybe you added an extra zero on that invoice, but it was just a typo and even the glaring ones happen. Forgetting to email someone so that this other person get paid is... a little less blameless of a mistake.
I know I shouldn't be freaking out about this, but I think people who know me well will just roll their eyes, pat me on the head, and know this is exactly the kind of thing I freak out about.