Hellooooo February.
SO. I bombed the hell out of the goal for a thousand words a day in January. XD I think I... maybe got 10k? Maybe? Probably less?
I'm not terribly upset about this, other things ate all of my time last month. Namely moving, which I basically started doing seriously on the second. And then between looking at places, finding a place, and actually moving in and setting up, moving pretty much ate the whole month. I'm only just starting to feel honestly moved in.
So, the fact that not much writing happened is forgivable. As much as I would like to say that writing tops all... the fact is, sometimes life just does not allow that and this is honestly okay.
The result is that I don't get to book binge this month. ...I may indulge in a couple of books this Wednesday when I run some errands down town, though. Because I am weak.
Work-wise, my boss comes back from maternity leave week after this one. I am... glad. There's going to be some awkward readjusting and resettling of duties. But I think it'll be nice to feel a little less responsible for all the fiscal in the whole company. On the bright side, people seem to think I've done a decent job of keeping things going while my boss was away. There's talk I might get a raise at my six month eval, which I would not protest at all. >.>
Writing-wise this month, I'm going to focus on trying to get all of my writing OUT of notebooks and posted. I've got quite a backlog of stuff that really needs to get a polish and posted. Not that most/any of this is novel related crack. But it is what it is.
I'm also debating making a journal just to start archiving all of the Death Guard's stories. I've been writing them like crazy lately, but mostly scenes and snippets. Combine with the fact that I'm still trying to settle out details for their world... Mostly I want a place to keep everything so I can find it and organize it later. Thus the thoughts of a Death Guard writing journal. Thoughts?
Yup, that's pretty much everything for start of the month rambles. Other than the comment that while I don't give a damn about Valentine's day, I looking forward to the day after. There are many places I can go to get discounted chocolate this year. :3
...Also, I probably need to start posting more, don't I? Eesh, I still have entries from last October on my front page. 8|