In Which the Future is a Blank Slate. Again

Jun 22, 2009 21:18

For a Monday, it's been a busy night.

Having the rare access to a car, Hollie and I went out to dinner at the Olive Garden. Then to Barnes and Nobles in search of Dragon's Breath and Nurk. Dragon's Breath we found, but they were out of Nurk. However, instead we found Pride and Prejudice and ZOMBIES.

I am not joking you.

We had to get it just for the crack. And then we were very crack while shopping for groceries. It was LOVELY. <3

The upshot of all of this is that next week, we have to give our landpeople a decision on the lease for next year. Which means unless Hollie finds a job before then, the answer will probably be no, as job hunting is not exactly stellar in Eugene. And she can move back to Corvallis where she will have notably fewer expenses. Which will let her save up more for school the following year.

And leaves me going "Well. Now what?"

I can stay in Eugene, but why? I don't like my job, I only moved back here for Hollie, and my itinerant youth is far from over. But still leaves me with no idea what I'm doing.

Poll Well Shit....

Most of the above options are serious (minus the panhandle/strip/etc option). Yes, teaching in China is a serious option.

I don't really know what I want to do right now. I've got some time to decide, at least. My only limiting factor is that I need something that will produce enough income to pay off student loans (as well as keep me fed and housed and such).


shit shit they're in the shit, now what?

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