In Which it Doesn't Rain but Will Hail for Toast

Mar 29, 2009 21:10

Aaaah, weekends, I need more of you.

Today involved a great deal of phoning and grocery runs. Phoning I am not so fond of, but it's always nice to talk to family. (Which I will need to do again tomorrow.)

Grocery runs are, well, grocery runs. But I had fun this time and got dreadfully hailed on in a strangely peaceful moment. The walk back was not so much fun, but it never is when you're walking head first into a squall with a bag of groceries.

And then it got sunny two blocks from home. Of course.

Also, my mother has randomly gotten into Decemberists. This amuses me. But now I'M getting into Decemberists.

Clearly this is a conspiracy.

But it is a conspiracy full of awesome fairy tale-esque music, so I can live with that.

music, storms

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