In Which It Goes Around and Around

Oct 02, 2008 17:16

Job hunting sucks.

There are no ifs ands or buts about it. Job hunting sucks. It's hard, stressful, and makes everyone feel inadequate.

What's really bad is that right now I'm stuck in that horribly awkward zone where I know I've applied for a lot of positions and am continuing to apply for a lot of positions... and am getting a resounding silence back as an answer.

I know my apps are out there. I know they're being reviewed. I know I'm being considered for jobs.

But it keeps feeling like all I'm doing is throwing effort into the void and hoping the winds of fate will find me worthy enough to blow a job my way.

It sucks a lot. The economy is hardly helping any of this stuff, but I know that even if the economy was golden... It'd still suck. Because that's just how job hunting is. It sucks and then in this atmosphere, it's scary too.

So here I'm sitting, trying not to spiral.

Spiraling is easy. We all do it to a certain extent, particularly about bad situations. We think about one little bad thing ("I don't have a job") and then we move to the next thing relating to that ("I need a job because I need money") and then around again ("But I've not yet got a job") and then around again ("And on top of that the economy is bad") and then you're back to where you started ("I really need a job").

And each time you go around, you circle down a little deeper and wind up a little bit tighter. Each go around and you're a little tenser, a little unhappier, a little more stressed, and if you keep spiraling enough, the spring gets wound too tight and snaps.

It's a bitch not to do, really. It's pretty natural to do, easier for some of us than others, but we all do it about different things. Me, my various attempts to deal with it...? Varied levels of success, I'll tell you.

Anyway, as far as people who know me are concerned, there's a few obvious observations:
1) I've not been on messengers as much lately. This is largely because chatting with people is awesome fun... but really distracting. It's very hard to remember you're suppose to be job hunting when people are being silly fun awesome at you. So I tend to get on less to keep myself focused more. Also, I recently discovered that reading is a great way for me to break out of the spiral. It gets my mind on other things, letting me focus more on new things when I'm done reading.

2) I've been writing a shit load more. Most of it doesn't get posted in public, of course, but there's been a lot more of it than has happened in the past year or two. This is because I'm at the computer a lot and any sort of writing counts as productivity for me, so it's a nice break from . Thus, stuff is randomly getting prodded and added to. It's been nice, so long as I keep remembering who I'm writing for (there were some interesting lessons in that yesterday). I'm hoping that even when I do get a job, I can keep up at least part of this level of productivity. We'll see if that holds true.

That's all for now. I should go poke Hollie for dinner now, I think. Mmm, rice and leftovers :E

life, writing, job

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