
Nov 04, 2019 16:05

Full Name: Chikane Himemiya
(Current) Age: 16

Physical Appearance: GOD KNOWS WHY I AM WRITING THIS OUT. Boredom?

Chikane is tall for an Asian girl of her age, rounding out at 5'5". That's five feet, five inches, people. Her hair is about as tall as her. The manga more or less makes it to her thighs where as the anime has it a little beyond her knees Actually, it's almost always to her ankles... Oops. She sports what I personally would call a hime-cut. Just... not the typical kind. Thick bangs, and two strands on each side that it shorter than her actual hair is by a marginal length, that is. In addition to this, Chikane is often seen with a yellow headband in her hair. She does sometimes forego this, usually in more casual looks, but that's rather rare. If she is wearing a different hair accessory, just assume it's yellow unless I state so lol.

Chikane's hair and eyes are blue. Her hair is midnight blue, meaning your characters can mistake it for black. She wouldn't correct them anyways. Her eyes are a striking blue, probably enhanced by how pale her skin is. I want to say they're a deep sky blue, but they kinda lean almost to cyan as well.

As far as her figure goes, Chikane is lean, athletic and very.... voluptous. ...Basically her tits are the size of freakin' beach balls. Feel free to make fun of them, she wouldn't much mind. Or call her a pole-- after all, her hips are only a few cms bigger than her waist, curiously enough.

Here is a full body shot. Yeah, the anime downplays her breasts a lot.

Personality: Kind, noble and strong are all fine and dandy words to use in relation to Chikane, and none of them are false. She was raised to be that way. She is noble, in a strange way. Willing to tarnish and ruin her relationships to save the other is one of example of that; while it's only done for Himeko in-series, we should also note Chikane doesn't really have friends. Just people who greet her at school.

Chikane is friendly. She's not talkative, but very friendly. She's the kind of person you can sit down and have tea with and enjoy the moment. You could call her nurturing, almost. She's certainly very loving and gentle, and makes a point of making sure everyone has an enjoyable experience around her. ...Usually.

Despite the fact she is a very nice person, Chikane has a flaws like any other person. For one, jealousy. Chikane feels jealousy like the worst of them. Not hatred, though she can feel that too, duh, but certainly a vain, powerful dislike. One example of this is how short and generally uncharastically rude she is to Soma. She tries to hide it, but in the end... well, she usually walks away from encounters with the people she feels jealousy towards with a lot of anger in her body. Like, white knuckled fury anger.

It it also noteworthy she has led what could be called a lonely life. Everyday she is greeted at school by likely hundreds of people, hit on and in general... just... given attention, but we don't really see Chikane would friends. As such, she can be a little, well, doting to the people she's close with. She takes of them to the best of her ability, to the point of opening her home's doors to them.

When Chikane loves, she loves hard. Perhaps to a fault. So in love is Chikane that she's willing to die to preserve Himeko's own happiness. So in love is Chikane that she's kind of oblivious. She's not overtly adventurous but if someone she cares about is? She's going, too. She doesn't cook a lot, because Otoha has this weird obsession with Chikane eating food she prepares for her, but if someone she cares about wants her to cook with/for them? She'll do it. She's good at piano, and enjoys playing it, but does it as more of a hobby. But if someone she cares about wants her to play for them? She'll do it and for as long as they want.

She's a waifu.

Also! I was originally going to note this at the bottom of the app, but, it seems more fitting in this section... In any case, Chikane does not hate men. The only men she intereacts with in-series are Soma, who's jealous of, Kazuki, who she's not even really seen with outside of him explaining what the Solar and Lunar Priestesses are. There's also Tsubasa and Girochi, but they're Orochi. In the manga she seems to care a lot about her Grandfather, but that's... well, her Grandfather.

She is also "fanon" gay. What this means is it's never canonically stated, but fandom assumes Chikane to be homosexual. However, I don't think this is true. We only see her with Himeko, who seems to be her only friend aside from her personal maid. She interacts okay with Soma before the Himeko stuff, but that's... it. I largely regard her as something akin to asexual: she has no real interest in romance or anything like that, gender is just a physical thing, so on and so forth. She might be in a "lesbian" series but Himeko is seen to be possibly bisexual so I wouldn't doubt Chikane could be the same.

Basically, it's not stated canonly so I'll be taking that to heart.

Powers & Stuffs:

Phsycially. Chikane is kind of gorgeous. Seriously. I'm sure this counts because vanity is a flaw for most, if not all, people. In addtion to this, Chikane was taught combat skills that are incredibly similar to that of a Japanese samurai's bride. She's skilled with bow and arrow, as well as a tanto. This does in fact, and unsurprisingly, extend to other swords. While the bow and arrow is her preferred weapon, and thus the one she's more adept with, she isn't too shabby with a tanto at all. Chikane was taught well and can and likely will hold her own in a fight, as long as it's not a fist fight.
She has some powers in addition to all this but the vast majority are never explained or explored in the series. It's kinda implied she gets her powers from the Gods, similiar to the Orochi, but then the manga turns around and implies the Gods get their powers from the Priestesses. So I'm not sure what to put here regarding powers, but what we do see in-series is:
Exploding arrows. I'm not joking. She makes arrows materialize out of thin air as needed, shoots them and then when they impact they explode. Soma doesn't show a whole lot of damage despite getting... directly hit with them so I'm guessing she controls what it damages. I mean, the arrows explodes and destroys trees but Soma himself is largely unharmed.
Strange as this sounds, she seems to have the ability to turn people into stone, too. I think the way this is done is through her tanto. It's seen piercing an Orochi in the hand, leaving some kind of vortex-hole thing and then she tells him to turn to stone. That's... it.

That's all that's seen in-series, but it is implied she is much more powerful than just that. It also noteworthy she might not be able to use these abilities until recalling her past lives.

Mentally. Chikane is intelligent, calm, cool and collected. If just a bit distracted. (See: Chikane opting to grab Himeko's boob and make out with her WHILE SHE WAS UNCONCIOUS during a mecha fight between Soma and an Orochi. Ummm, yeah.) For example, even if it was incredibly obvious she wasn't happy to see Soma, she tried to speak calmy and rationally with him. She isn't the type to freak out either, like when Otoha teases Himeko about her breast size and goes onto mention Chikane's breasts are just so much larger than Himeko's. Chikane's response to this? "Oh, is that so?" She's also more likely to lurk and learn before jumping into anything. When Chikane joins the Orochi, she doesn't go attacking right off the bat. While she needs to fool them, she also needs to learn how they attack. After all, it's never really Chikane and Himeko doing the fighting, it's Soma. Chikane needs to learn how their powers work before attacking, and she does just that.

Emotionally... Chikane is very strong and detemined. She's very willing to do what she has to do to protect those she cares about. We know the deal with Himeko, but for a generic idea... Chikane practically forces her personal maid, Otoha, to take leave from the Himemiya mansion and go take care of Chikane's uncle. Otoha is naturally distraught and knows something's going on. But Chikane presses on, deterimined to get Otoha away from the manson. Why? Chikane is not oblivious to the fact Otoha cares a lot about her. Perhaps she's dumb to what those emotions Otoha feels for her are, but even so, she knows she cares. As such, she wants Otoha away from the mansion, knowing she's in danger and will likely end up hurt at the Himemiya mansion. Chikane cared enough about Otoha to be willing to let go, even though they grew up together, for Otoha's safety.

I know I list it as a strength too, but the series made such a ruckus of it as a weakness... Her appearance. Chikane's breasts are so large, I guess, they're grotesque. I dunno. Girochi hates her just based on her appearance so I feel it should go here basically. 9_9;; Physically, I doubt Chikane can hold her own in fist fight. With weapons, yes. Hand to hand combat is a COMPLETELY different story however, and I imagine she'd get completely pwn'd at it.


Mentally... well, she's. Chikane. She's all of that afore mentioned stuff but she's a little oblivious to emotions. She's not aware Otoha has a crush on her, for example. Perhaps it's just that she can't assume anyone can like her because she's... bland. In addition to that, she has a ... um. One track mind, if you've not noticed. Everything is based on people she cares about. Chikane's only really had Otoha and Himeko, and we've seen what she did for those two.
After recalling her past lives, Chikane begins to experience self-loathing. She calls herself a murderer canonically at one point, and it's not with a happy expression. At all.

Emotionally. A little trickier but almost the same as the mental section. If you hurt the people Chikane cares about, everything else kinda goes out the window.
Aside from that, her past lives are--well-- if you know about them, that alone will hurt her. A lot. She's not proud of it, to the point she tries to actively change it.
In addition to this is the previously mentioned loneliness. She can be clingy, perhaps even co-dependent, at times. She lets other people make the decisions, and if they didn't, she'd probably be at a loss at times.
To be blunt, she's just generally kinda pitiful.

Place holder.

Name: Aeria
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