I'm so tired...

Nov 23, 2005 08:02

Right... so like, on Saturday, I went to the con and dressed as Merle. Work work work, we went to Rachel's, and then went to sleep. Next morning, more work, and ta-da! I got the first 4 DVDs of Kyo! Kara Maioh! (God! Save our king!) which is the BEST SHOW EVER. I also got R.O.D. and Perfect Blue on DVD.

Yesterday I went to see Goblet of Fire, which kcied ass, although it left a whole shitload of stuff out because of time. I mean, the movie was long, but I wouldn't have minded it being longer because of all the stuff they missed. Seriously though, Ron is a complete asshole and fucktard. I'm getting really sick of his crap with Hermione, and I agree with Will; Book 7, Ron turns to Voldemort and kills Hermione, Harry kills Ron, then he kills Voldemort and fucks himself up Mad Eye Moody style. Fo' serious. Because I'm getting sick of this S n' M relationship that Ron is having with Hermione. There's no kiss and make-up, there's just tis lame-ass "I like you but I'm too shy to tell you, tee hee! So I'm gonne go fuck this other person and make you jealous. Tee hee!" Yeah. It's so BLATANTLY obvious the Ron and Hermione like eachother, they shouldn't end up together.
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