(no subject)

Oct 14, 2006 17:11

I have finally seen the first three episodes of the second season of Supernatural.

  1. Why would the demon think that Sam and Dean weren't a threat to him? What makes John so scary, that they won't eventually become?
  2. What the hell did John say to Dean? I hate mysteries like that.
  3. Dean, no one will ever mistake you for a soccer mom.
  4. Oh, Sam, all jealous of the new research guy.
  5. Dean and the Impala. Break my heart, why don't you.
  6. Dean and the Impala again. I've always thought that's all Dean needed to be happy. The Impala, a case, and the open road.
  7. Dean and Sam questioning the sheriff. That was hilarious.
  8. The hunter community. EEEEE!
  9. The look between Dean and Sam when Dean beheaded that vamp. Hooboy. I see problems coming.
  10. Canon note: Dean embraced the life when he was sixteen.
  11. Dean misses his daddy. And he's trying to hold it together for Sam. D'awww. (Yes, I am a total sucker.)
  12. Dean didn't look like he liked the idea of having that hole forever and using it to make himself a better hunter.
  13. Sam knows his brother better than Dean thinks.
  14. Dean hit Sam. Wow!
  15. Dean all struggling with whether it's okay for him to hate demons. And Sam telling him he really is a good guy. D'awww.
  16. What was the song on the preview for the next ep?
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