Jul 13, 2011 18:48
phone; filtered from drones
Mm, I have a few things I'd like to say to a few people.
Meiling? I'll admit it. There are a few things you are better at that than I am. You have a proper green thumb and you're excellent around children.
...I am also jealous of your figure.
Imouto-sama, you are the cutest person ever.
Marisa...perhaps I overlooked you sneaking into the mansion's library a few times when I should have caught you. It does Patchouli-sama good to have your company; at least someone is with her.
Miss Alucard, I made you tea because I got a bit homesick and you remind me of Remilia-ojou-sama. A lot.
Tohno-kun, you and Miss Margatroid actually complement each other in a strange way. It's...cute.
Madoka-chan, you have a very sweet heart. Please don't lose that; it's a great strength.
action; 1647 Albright Lane
[Sakuya has set the drone children up on an indoor picnic, with sandwiches, chips, and cookies, all on a blanket in the living room, and she's also gotten out several board games for them to occupy themselves with, since they seemed reluctant to go outside.
Why has she gone so far to make sure they're well and occupied? She needs to say something to her not!husband, and she doesn't want to say it over the phone.
#place: 1647 albright lane,
events trump timehax,
omg crush wat do,
sdm bonding is the best bonding,
event: truthfield,
oh snap son,
the world might explode,
she's not saying this twice