Feb 27, 2011 14:02
I had an old friend re request me on FB lat night. one of those awkward situations really.
only, well main reason why I dropped him in the first place was because he was pretty much allowing people to criticize his white skin as if it was totally his fault for problems in the world. Like me, he didn't choose his skin color. If someone doesn't has the (for lack of a better word) the balls to stand up to someone who thinks they have the right to look down on your for a choice you couldn't make (like skin color, race, gender, sex), i just have no respect for you.
I'll probably tell him why, even more than I already did. I'm sure he could be a great asset to a revolution if he didn't just hang his head down in shame for being born white and male.
Speaking of revolution...
Andrew says maybe America will have one because of all that is going on in the world. My response? I think as americans, we are too lazy and too set in our ways. We don't even really fight for anything now, at least nothing worth changing. We fight for things that are insignificant. Or things that people should already have a choice to do.
For example.
I'm not against gay marriage or marriage in itself. But I know if I had the mindset that I have now, I wouldn't have married Andrew. Not because I didn't love him, but I didn't need to prove myself to the world that I loved him. I didn't need to have something that said "You are now officially a couple". I didn't need people to (Or not in my case) to think my relationship was worth something just because I "made the leap" and got married. As I said, thinking about it now.. after almost nine years, well, I didn't need that to make it work. Did you know there is a whole group of gay people who are against marriage, even gay marriage? They're called "Gay Shame". It blows apart the myth that everyone wants this one way of life. While I might not agree with everything they say, I think it's a worthy point. Whether or not you want to get married, that's on you. I could really care less, but if you DON'T want to, whether gay, straight, bi, trans, you should be allowed that option, and not be forced to think you HAVE to, especially by the radical gays who have totally been hijacking the issue and lumping all gay folks into one group. I know plenty of people gay and straight, who never want to get married and to me, that's perfectly okay. I believe in choices.
Someone a while ago wrote something that I had been feeling for long while but could never put into words. He wrote this around the time of the 2008 election..
summary - being opposed to women in the boardroom and gays in the military because he was against the boardroom and the military. That giving people the power to destroy people, destroy lands, destroy homes was not really a sign of equality. If a women now has the power to force evict a city block so they could put up high rise condos for the rich, would be call that a success? (a lot would say that, unfortunately).
no matter what I say to myself, I'll always be an anarchist, at least in spirit. I'll always be fighting. I'll always be standing on the edge. Even with getting this place, I'll now have more space to provide, to shelter.Living in Newark, I houses several people and well.. *closes mouth*.
The world isn't any getting any better. It isn't improving. I know we have to start now, or better yet yesterday if we want any hope in surviving.
this is what happens when life flashes before my eyes. I start to value it on a higher level.