Jan 11, 2011 12:14
I went outside for the first time in ten days yesterday, or better yet, actually felt the sun for the first time in ten days. What can I say? It's much, much quieter at night.
Can someone explain to me, in detail, why it is so offensive to not spend that much money when you don't have much or live in tiny houses? Or not having a car? Like I really need to know. I don't particularly enjoy being told "You HAVE to own a car. You have to" or "You NEED to have this much money each year". Need and Have are words that I am beginning to hate, seriously.
I want to know why we point and laugh at people who live in 400-900 square feet and call them primitive or idiots. I want to know why people who don't have a car are patted on the head as if we're children unable to cope with a "real" life of having a car.
Part of me finds comfort in knowing that one well place "disaster" would completely eliminate about 3/4 of America. Yes, that sounds like a completely horrible things to say and it is, but just be lucky I'm not beating and shooting people who make fun of me for living in a 500 square foot apartment, or not having a car, or not having an updated phone or computer and not desiring to make a ton of cash. I know I'm perfectly capable of causing someone else harm(I do carry a steel baton and knife when I walk out of my door). I just don't.
I've been a three weeks without spending cash. I don't have any to spend really. And it's amazing how I don't realize it. Maybe it's also because I don't really spend time on social sites much and not being bombarded with ads (or people trying to get you to "Like" something), going outside and being told to spend spend spend. Maybe it's also not having cable. That makes life easier for me. I've churned out art pieces out the wazoo, started three new stories, learned more about self sufficiency and learned more about myself than I ever knew I could. I have only turned on my entertainment center twice.
Andrew's family is going to be the death of me. They really are. As my own mother says "They made their bed. Let them lie in it and don't let them drag you into it". My mom is big on that. I chose to get married young, then I should understand the responsibilities that come with marriage. And by me understanding that, I'm going on nine years, while almost everyone else I know is on either divorced, or barely speaking, or saying "If I didn't have kids with this (bitch/asshole).." (there must have been a big "let's get married" thing 9-10 years ago, everyone was getting married, a few I know for the "Oh no, pregnant.. get married! LOL). His brother says he's getting married in (1-3 years or something like that). That was a most hilarious phone call. I'm still laughing about it (not for the whole getting married thing, but for what his plans were).
Ah.. that about sums up my last three or so weeks, I think. Still looking at houses, that kind of deal. House hunting can be so exhausting.