Nov 06, 2010 13:32
One day Andrew said to me "You know, every since moving to Newark, you've been online a lot more".
I have been. I know. It's because Newark is a pus filled, PC bs, piss soaked hell hole.
things that happen here in Newark would be considered crimes 15 minutes north or 15 minutes south. Even Elkton, with it's KKK and rednecks with three teeth and inbreeding had more upstairs. And I do much better when people are UPFRONT and not hiding behind some PC lingo. If you hate me, then say it. I was outside a lot more in Elkton, even though I knew I could be dealing with a lot more race issues. Here, everyone is "so down", but really all just the same.
An incident with an friend down in Asheville, NC, prompted Andrew to say another charming quote. Backstory. Friend in NC is now married to a black girl, who he had been with for about 5-6 years prior. Now about a year or so ago, they separated for a summer due to differences, but remained friends while they worked things out. In come guy, aka.. Satanist. (girl is practicing Lucifieran (sp?) So girl kinda gets with satanist, but it's not really a dating thing. Satanist does all he can to break the two up. Long story short, she starts to move away from Satanist and back with boyfriend. That's when it's suddenly revealed that not only is he a "satanist" but a National Socialist/Nazi/White Power, whatever. So.. life became interesting to say the least. Combined with all the "I just fucked you to show you my power over you" to the "Die Nigger" to the public harassment, this have been not so good in his life.
So for the last year, he's been trying to tell the people of this town about this guy, who does had a police record of hassling/targeting minorities and jews, in one recent case, having restraining orders against him by one girl after constant threats of bodily harm towards her and her small children (Jewish family) and being stalked and harassed in public. He plays in a metal band, but also has some bands that are directly White power.
However, the town is playing the "Are you sure? I mean, maybe he's just joking around" attitude. They are calling it "personal attacks" and almost defending a person who is clearly NOT joking. Does this guy need to kill someone for anyone to care? How would it be if he went after one gay person? Since this country is based on only caring about what is "cool" to care about, I can only imagine what could happen to him. I do hate to deal with race and gender and all that, but if someone is seriously going to cause someone harm simply based on that, I'm not going to ignore it and pretend that "things aren't like that anymore".
This prompted Andrew to say this. "What PC lingo has only succeeded in doing is to keep furthering the divide between humans and keeping the hate alive. PC makes a big deal out of things we have no control over (Gender, race, sexuality) under the guise of progress".
I think that is true. there are people who hate everyone who is gay, or black, or muslin. And there are people who might not like someone and get accused of being racist or sexist or phobic because we aren't allowed to dislike people based in things they do, or actions.
gah! life.
in other news..
I like walking. I like the ideal that I'm using my body to get me places. I like not having to "justify" anything. I buy only what I can carry home on my person. Andrew bikes, but I like walking more. It keeps me strong, healthy, and mostly, richer since I don't have to worry about car payments, gasoline, insurance, car maintenance, tolls, whatever. I will have a moving truck on the day I move out of here (Please God, make that as soon as possible) so I can get everything out of here in one swoop and NOT have to come back.. at all. I don't mind walking in the cold.. because trust me.. walking generates some serious heat.
needs mushroom chairs.