I miss seeing goth kids. I do. I'm surrounded by Emo, Juggalo, emojuggalo, skate emo, skate juggalo, prep, jock, Juggalomansonites. I don't know what things are now. What's the difference between scene and emo? What is this orange tan stuff??? See what happens when you swear off TV? Things happened and you are blissfully unaware of it.
I miss seeing the kids in DIY Goth clothes like back in middle and High school. I miss seeing the kid at my high school with the handmade nail collar that got him suspended for 3 days. (alright Anson!). I miss seeing the kids with the heavy black leather and purple hair that no one else had. I miss the black, the rips, the chains from the hardware store. I remember the time before HOT Topic and Torrid. I miss the night , the morbid (not just straight out disgusting) the "finding beauty even in sadness". I miss it. I miss the time when people didn't go "Goth? Isn't' that Emo?"
I don't like calling myself Goth, but eh.. not ashamed of it.
I miss it all.
I know. You can't go back. But no one said you can't continue to do it.