Community S5 does have a theme: Restoration

Dec 21, 2014 22:06

Repilot  introduces the Restoration theme, Intro to Teaching continues it with Restoring Jeff and Annie's relationship to its proper tone and lays the grounds for the SG Committee.  BIN is all about Restoring JA again to its proper characterisation and themes, whilst pinpointing the inherent problems of a school going crazy over someone slipping coins down pants.
Polygraphy is about restoring who Pierce really was, how he truly felt about the group, and restoring to Troy his inheritance.
GE is about restoring the Troy/Britta relationship whilst restoring Abed and Troy to being apart from each other. It also restores Britta into a somewhat decent therapist.

Analysis is about Restoring a cork-board too its proper place whilst also restoring Annie's dark side that often shows when she gets in too deep over something. It also ensures that Annie learns her lesson on her OWN, without really any help from Hickey or Jeff.

Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality restores, primarily, the friendship between Jeff/Duncan and explores it more. J/B is "restored" in a way but only to cut it down.

App Development restores Greendale's craziness at heart and shows how the desire for power in various ways exists throughout the remaining group members.

VCR Maintenance restores Annie's brother to her and explores Abed's relationship with Rachel. Meanwhile, our other half of the study group is showing their own restored and evolved characterisations when Jeff tries to back out of the plan.

Advanced D&D is another ep all about restoration, but it's more personal than Greendale (though we get to see a SG committee meeting at the beginning of the ep, showing they have been working on Greendale) since it's about restoring a father and son back into a better relationship with each other.

GI Jeff is another restoration ep, but mainly for JA purposes since it shows just how much Jeff really wants her. It also restores Jeff's own fears and insecurities, which hadn't been seen in a long while and which also connects with JA since it's fanon that he doesn't feel good enough for her. GI Jeff is also about LITERAL restoration when Jeff is restored back to the real world after his scare.

Basic Story hints at how how ALL stories need restoration or are about restoration with the meta talk at the beginning and with the appraiser lampshading how "the gas leak was repaired" so the Restoration theme isn't JUST GREENDALE, IT'S THE CHARACTERS WHO THIS IS META-LY REFERRING TO.

Basic Story also weaves that theme throughout the ep as Greendale is nearly sold to Subway and those who love the school race to block the sale so that they can restore it to the school they love.

Basic Sandwich continues the Restoration theme with reviving an old concept of Dan's with the inclusion of Russell Borchert and restoring the JA theme again. This ep talks about "rebooting" which is another way of "restoring" something, and rebooting a computer reboots Jeff in a way and reassures how he really feels so that it ends on a positive JA note. the ep ends with our committee saving the day and restoring Greendale to themselves.

So, anyway who says that S5 didn't have a definitive theme wasn't paying attention to the subtleties of the show, because the Restoration theme undergirds each and every episode.

s5 does have a theme and that theme, anyone who says s5 doesn't have a theme , community, can just frak off because, community s5, community meta, is restoration

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