Sep 29, 2005 16:10
I am going to watch Judge Judy until my ears bleed, because I am so pissed off right now I need a reality tv fix of superficial stupidity to calm me down.
My African Religions test? Yeah, gave us an hour instead of the hour and fifteen minutes the class normally takes.
Lost the backing to my earrings. Thank goodness I didn't lose the earring too.
My Japanese class? Brain too fried to even concentrate, and no Joelle to keep me somewhat sane.
I debated whether or not I wanted to hang out in Kimmel until Pagan Club meets, doesn't meet until 8:30.
3:30 - 8:30, and beyond. Eh, no. Am now in my room, waiting to cook pasta so I can have some comfort food.
Life sucks, and I need to burrow into bed for 18 hours. Can't though.
I found myself chanting, "Equivalent exchange," over and over today, and it's not helping...because it's basically the same concept I held a few years ago, and I've found that no, you don't ever get what you send out, so screw that rule, and karma is supposed to occur over multiple lifetimes, not Instant!Gratification!
I hate pop new age twisting of old ideas.