(no subject)

Sep 24, 2005 14:07


I just finished watching the fourth Inuyasha movie, and was woefully disappointed. The animation team was taken directly from the TV series, so all the animation styles and flaws were present, including some cheap tricks to cut down animation frames. Bah. Sesshoumaru was in it, but his part was small and really just fanservice. I much preferred his cameo in the first movie, because it was an interaction with Kikyou, a major character whose path he never crosses in either the manga or anime; it showed that he was aware of Kikyou and Inuyasha's tragic past, as well as where Kagome disappears to. (He may not know that she falls into the future, but he knows she disappears to another place, separate from his own immediate reality.) It was a five minute scene, maybe, and it gave so much more weight and depth to his character than his parallel storyline in the fourth movie did. As much as I love Sesshoumaru, I don't get that much of a kick seeing him beat up someone else majestically.

I like the ending song, though, up until the instrumentals really kick in. I kinda preferred the simple violin riffs at the beginning paired with the vocal melody.

I finally saw the episode where Hughes dies in FMA, which was definitely not shown on Cartoon Network. I'm thinking they just accidentally skipped an episode and couldn't really slide it in afterwards for fear of causing even more confusion.

That was terrible.

I'm up to episode 30, where Ed meets some Homonculus with his original arm and leg. I went WTF?? while simultaneously thinking, Gee, here comes a new plot arc to replace the Philosopher's Stone arc. Yay for extending the run of the story.

I am TOO cynical. *weeps* Or perhaps I'm too well trained. I can't imagine how film students manage to sit through someone else's movie without constantly thinking about direction and lighting and all other film-y stuff. It gets so irritating and distracting, and I'm just a comic book wannabe with self-taught skills. Having formal training, watching a film must be a constantly jarred experience.

Oh, a pox on my confusion.

fma, fandom, inuyasha

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