Jul 29, 2010 11:59
So... I have been doing a lot of thinking. It has occured to me there is no "physical plane" and "astral plane". It's all one in the same, The difference is that this bubble has had an exceptional amount of will placed into its details... so much so it makes the others bubbles tend to look ghostly in comparison. I think that the laws of the universe are the will of this mind so to speak, or rather are held in place by devoted thought forms on a cosmic scale, and thus are totally arbitrary if you can get around how they work.. this I think is why we can travel etherically/real time zone and seem to be immune to these laws. The "rules" of the universe only apply to thoughts of the universe aka things made of the particles of this universe, and we are thoughts of our physical bodies, Your "soul" is a thinking thought. You are not that unlike a servitor really; It's all in the amount of energy or "thought stuff" you put into it that makes leads to its complexity or lack there of.
Perhaps We all need to realize we are all thinking thoughts, independent of the thought of the universe that is our "physical" body, though we should never forget we owe our existence to it. Perhaps through that same physical body we are all connected to an even bigger thought than us.. a thought of the human species so to speak. In more common terms it might be called the collective unconsciousness... though I think perhaps that It isn't so much unconsciousness as a different sort of consciousness, after all it is a different sort of thought than the thought we are. When we are babies perhaps all we think is the thought of the species... but as we grow our life experiences on top of thoughts from the thought of the species take on a separate life from that of the thought of the species and thus our bodies think a thought that can think: the conscience mind. Magic is really nothing more than the temporary repealing of the will of the universe's caretakers. While it pains me to concede it, I have to admit the conscience mind is naturally rather weak... It needs help from a stronger mind, the thought of species. Thus typically it it this mind of the species that does our magic. I however do not think that the conscience mind is doomed to be weak however, as there are no rules it is bound to. The thought of the species is stronger simply because it has been around a lot longer. I think enlightenment is nothing more than the merging with the thought of the species, and while its a noble task I don't really think its the path I would want to go. Remember there is no real limit to the conscience...thus if it is developed with the proper methods it should be able to exist independent of the thought of both the species and the universe. That's my path... It's gonna be a bumpy ride I think.. but quite fun and worthwhile I think.
Anyways thanks all for listening to my rambling, feel free to comment. ^^