Merry Christmas

Dec 25, 2008 07:51

I don't think I've updated this thing since just after Basic. Life at the DLI is pretty awesome, and I'm making new friends and reuniting with old ones. Hanging out with Tony has been amazing; if I have one complaint its that everything seems to be happening so fast. I'm on leave now visiting family in NC and enjoying the chance to unwind. You'd think that we get that opportunity at the Presidio, but realistically, I haven't showered without shower shoes since before basic, and it really is the little things like that that make leave so refreshing. A lot of people are troubled during this holiday season, but I'm just riding the waves like I've done for ages. Nonetheless, I'll close by wishing everyone a stress free holiday season. Try not to let life get to you. Forget all of the bad stuff that's going on, even if that's harder than wallowing in it. There's nothing so bad that you can't take a break from it for a week or two. Consider it leave from all of your varied affairs. Like I said, no shower shoes. It is, after all, the little things that get you down; why not take a second to let the little things pick you back up? Anyway, its 0800 and I still haven't slept, so I should get to it.

Merry Christmas,
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