My birthday party pretty damn gewd!

Jun 30, 2008 12:25

So, I had my birthday party on Saturday night and it was fan-frickin-tastic! A decent amount of people showed up and a good mix. There was plenty of food and alcohol! I actually wasn't that drunk. I was even sober much of the night. Not that it mattered, I had few if any inhibitions and the ones I did have were probably for the best (unfortunately!), even though a few were occasionally rather frustrating.

Most people ended up with drawn on mustaches including me. I was even wearing a doll-esque dress with pigtails and a curly drawn on mustache and rainbow sticker for eyebrows! It was HOT! :P...or something. I was amused.

At one point pretty much everyone stripped down to boxers or undies, and it was quite interesting in the good way. No one seemed uncomfortable in the least, despite the fact that most of the people were straight men (mostly), although I think Caity started it (I think). Ha! I love my best friend.

The party ended with Me, Matt, Sam, Jess, and Zach. Which was a good mix. We all went for a long walk in which I felt like a pimp. Then we got crappy food from the Shell Station and talked and watched crazy Brad Neely internet cartoons and then we all crashed.

It was good times! I want to hang out with all of the people again soon! Some will be at Alan's BBQ this Friday, including me! Fuck yeah! I didn't even have to ask for the day off, I just had it! I also have Thursday off, not that this concerns most of you, but I'm just saying I'm available for hanging out time both days!
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